Our School and Nursery News From This Week…

P7A led an informative assembly about resilience this morning with all classes watching video clips of different Disney characters who show resilience.

Resilience is one of our 5 values in school and nursery and something that we continue to develop in our children.  Our nursery staff regularly assess children though observation and comment on the children’s ability to persevere on task from as young as 3 years old. Across school, staff look for a child’s ability to keep trying in the face of adversity as they undertake tasks. We always give the message that it is okay (and normal!) to make mistakes.

You all spoke so well P7. What a super effort! Thank you Mr Logan for your efforts in putting this assembly togther.

As well as speaking about resilience, this week, all classes have been working to embed the 5-point emotional scale into their daily classroom routine. We are gauging childen’s emotional well-being throughout the day and intervening where necessary.  Supporting mental health is something that is a major part of our ongoing work at Springfield and Bonnytoun. We believe that teaching children about their emotions and helping them to have healthy coping strategies for times of upset, is a vital life skill.

Please come along to our family learning event on the 5-point scale at the end of September to learn more about our current work on promoting positive mental health and wellbeing.

Next week, we will be launching our new Springfield Values ‘Hall of Fame ‘ initiative which will be a further method of encouraging and celebrating children’s wider achievements. We will email all parents in school about the Hall of Fame at the end of next week. We hope that you will support your child in this endeavour and help them to get into our Hall of Fame by the end of he session, if they can.

Have a wonderful September holiday weekend everyone! See you all back in school next Wednesday!

Miss Baillie xx 🍂 💖



Weekly News from SPS and Bonnytoun…

Today we held a super assembly about diversity. The assembly reminded us all to treat each other with kindness and respect no matter our skin colour, belief, likes or dislikes. We looked around the room and admired our differences. We are all unique and beautiful in our own way. We celebrated the success of Sahasra in P7 who won a recent competition for designing a character who champions diversity. In her winning entry, Sahasra talks about how she used to feel different and worried about being accepted but since coming to Springfield she feels good about herself and knows that she is respected by all. We are so proud of Sahasra for having the courage to speak up about a difficult subject.  We are truly lucky to have the wonderful school that we have, where children are generally very kind to each other, but we must not rest on our laurels. We will continue to teach the message of the value and beauty in difference and we will continue to have a zero-tolerance approach to any form of bullying, racism or discrimination. In our school, we lead with kindness. 💖

Here are some children who won certificates for upholding our school values this week:

We have been busy transforming our infant area once again to represent the world of books. It’s currently a work in progress but we hope that you enjoy seeing part of the transformation at our Meet the Teacher even on Tuesday 11th.

Our nursery children are pleased to report that Victor is now much better and is back with Jack in his home in the nursery. We missed you Victor!

Thank you to our nursery ladies, Mrs Welsh, Mrs Malcolm and our new recruit, Mrs Mitchell who provide excellent ‘end of day’ care for our full-day children until 6pm each evening. Mrs Malcolm has recently been working hard in our outdoor area to make hanging art work with the children.

Here are our pupil achievements for this week:

-Well done to C in P1 for gaining his Enjoy-a-ball trophy!

-Congratulations to A in P4 for making great progress in swimming.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and remember to be kind!


Miss Baillie xx💖💫



Pupil Achievements.

Here are brother and sister N and A who are in P4 and P1 respectively, with their fantastic collage to promote the reduction of plastic waste. The children made this at home and brought it in to school to show us. What environmental champions you both are!

Well done to D in P3 for receiving lovely rosettes at her pony gymkhana and to her classmates I and L for learning to ride their bikes over the summer holidays. L has also been busy winning a medal for her skills in golf! Brilliant news girls!

A in P2 came along to my office to show me her dancing award. Great effort A!

Miss Baillie x


Springfield and Bonnytoun News…

The second week of term has flown by with children enjoying their new classrooms and teachers.  Our assembly today was on the Well-being Indicator of ‘being safe’ and all children learned how to keep safe on roads, when out in public and when near fire, water and electricity. We also talked about keeping safe online.

School News:

We have been thinking about how to make homework consistent across school and also, so that it provides a more flexible home learning experience for children and families. Your child will now complete reading and spelling tasks weekly but will be given the whole term to complete a variety of other tasks. You will  receive home learning for this term, next week, and in an easy to follow grid format. We hope that you like it. Please give us your feedback as usual. In early years, it is really important that children are learning sounds and reading each evening if this is possible.

We will be launching a new school website in the next few weeks. Our blog will still stand and will feed into this, as will our Twitter account and school app. The website is a council requirement and it is designed to give an overview of our school as well as to provide links to documents and policies. We will give you more information on this when the website is ready to launch.

Here is a picture of some of our certificate winners from assembly today.

Get well soon to Victor our nursery guinea pig!  He has been staying at Mrs T’s house for the past couple of weeks as he has been poorly and has had many trips to the vet. 😢We hope that he is on the mend and back in nursery soon. Again, we will keep you posted of his progress. Thank you to Mrs T and her family for taking such good care of him.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,


Miss Baillie xx💫💖

Gymnastics Achievements!

Well done to the Gray sisters in P2 and P4 and to  U in P6 for achieving ‘Highly Commended’ in their recent gymnastics exams. We are so proud of you girls! Promoting participation in  sports and an active lifestyle is part of our Health and Wellbeing curriculum at Springfield and Bonnytoun. Please continue to keep us notified of your child’s sporting achievements.

Miss Baillie x 💖🏈⚽️ 💃 🎾 🏊‍♂️

Welcome Back to School!

Welcome back to school everyone for a new session!

I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday and enjoyed the lovely weather all summer.

What a busy week it has been and the time has flown! The staff were all in school last Monday for an INSET training day and took time to ensure classrooms and the school area were looking smart for our pupils rejoining us on Tuesday. Thank you to all of our staff for their hard work this week. All children have settled into school well, including our new Primary 1 pupils who have been brilliant. Our new Primary 7 pupils have been a credit to their parents over the past week, taking on their buddy and leadership roles with gusto! Across all stages, children have been settled, calm, well behaved and happy.

Our nursery have welcomed many new starts with lots of children joining our Springfield family.

We have been working on our school values this week and creating our Rights, Respecting Schools class charters to establish our class and school ethos for this session.

We will publish our Family Learning calendar in the next week with informative events (and some for fun!)  planned throughout the year.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie x


Springfield and Bonnytoun News…

The second last week of term has flown by with Marches Day and Gala Day now behind us for another year. Well done to all children who decorated their bikes for the Marches!

The Gala Day yesterday had such an amazing turn-out from Springfield and Bonnytoun. All children and adults looked wonderful in their costumes as did our Lion King float. The atmosphere was fantastic! Thank you to Dave Whittington and Andy Turtle for building the float  and to Gillian Wilson and her team of Mum helpers for making Springfield’s Gala efforts so successful. I was extremely proud! Well done also, to Queen Emily and Champion Charlie who represented Springfield beautifully. We hope that the pair of you had a wonderful day that you will remember for ever. 💫

We held an assembly about ‘changes’ last Friday to continue to prepare children for their move to new classes in August. We have done a lot of work with children about transition over the past few weeks and  remembering that nerves are a natural part of change, we hope that everyone is ready for the move.  Children who have received an enhanced transition will take home their transition booklets on Monday to share with their families over the summer. Please continue to let us know if any concerns or worries around transition.

Here are our pupil achievements from the past week:

– Well done to E in P3 for her drama certificate.

-Congartulations to L in P3 for further success in gymnastics.

-A brilliant engineering effort from T and D in P2 for making the Sydney Harbour Bridge out of a Lego kit! I’ve been there! 🌏💖

– Super work for O in P2 for his decorated bike!

– Well done to A in P3 for her dancing awards!

– And a brilliant effort from M in P3 for her mountain biking trophy!

– Well done to all of our lovely P7 children who had a fantastic transition week at Linlithgow Academy.

-Thank you to BW in P7 who is transitioning on to Heriots and who was an amazing help to all staff and children this week whilst he was in school. You have a job in the future at SPS Ben, if you want it! 😝

– Finally thank you to Miss Prince and our amazing choir who sang for Fiona Hyslop MSP when she visited Springfield on Friday.

Have a lovely Sunday everyone!

Miss Baillie xx🌞💖



P7 Information Evening

We had a very successful P7 information evening last night where we shared plans for our P7 curriculum for next year.

Please see attached presentation from the event for your reference.

We are planning a great year!

Primary 7 at SPS

Kind wishes,

Miss Baillie x

P1 Induction Event

We held a very successful induction event for our new P1 parents and children this morning. We hope that you all enjoyed your time in school and are looking forward to being with us full-time from August.

If you have any questions or concerns before August then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me in school.

I look forward to working with you all to support your child through P1 and beyond.

Please click on the link below to access the presentation from today’s event:

P1 Induction Powerpoint

Miss Baillie x

Bonnytoun Achieve’s Excellence! ⭐️⭐️

We are absolutely overjoyed and extremely proud to announce that our nursery has just  achieved an excellent grading from the recent, unannounced Care Inspectorate visit.

We were inspected on only two Care Standards due to  the existing high performance of the nursery. This is the first time that an excellent grade has been secured in the history of the nursery and indeed, is a relatively rare grading to achieve.

We gained the grading for Pupil Care and Support which, to us is the most important facet of our work. The quality of our nursery environment was graded as ‘very good’ and with continued work we are aiming for excellence in this area too.

Part of our commendation was for the dignity and respect that we show to children at all times and the way that we support their learning and care, through our school values.

We have worked so hard this year as a team to achieve this recognition and we are so proud. We will never rest on our laurels and will continue to strive to be the very best that we can be for the children under our care.

On a personal note, I’d like to say a massive thank you to Mr Wells for allowing me to lead the nursery for the past year, to Mrs Tomcyznski for being a true asset as she seamlessly runs the nursery floor each day and to Mrs Brass, Mrs Parlett, Mrs Fraser, Mrs Welsh, Ms Gifford, Mrs Malcolm and Mrs Mulvenna for being truly outstanding early years practitioners. I am so proud of each and every effort which has gone into making a great team! Thank you all!

The full inspection report can be viewed on the Care Inspectorate website.

Miss Baillie xx💫💖

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