Harvest Assembly

It’s harvest time again! We would like to thank all families for their kind donations of food items, which which we will pass on to West Lothian Foodbank. The photograph below shows the plethora of goods that we have received and we are extremely grateful.

We had a lovely assembly today where we thanked farmers across the world for the food that goes onto our table.

Have a great October break everyone,

See you all back in school on Tuesday 23rd of October.

Miss Baillie xπŸ’– πŸ‚

Linlithgow Daycare Centre and P7

I accompanied some of our P7 pupils along to the Daycare Centre today for their regular visit and had a wonderful time.

It was heartening to see how strong our link with the Centre is, as staff, clients and children effortlessly interacted. I was so proud of Joseph B, Jayden, Finlay C and Finlay B who approached the elderly clients with kindness and first class manners. You were a credit to your parents and to Springfield boys. Well done!

We had fun planting bulbs together and then the children enjoyed a cup of tea and Β playing games alongside the elderly visitors.

Thank you so much to Mrs Graham, one of our fantastic Pupil Support Workers who has maintained a strong link with the Centre and taken many children to visit over the years.

Miss Baillie xπŸ’–

SPS and Bonnytoun News…

This week in school we have been getting ready to launch our new house points system. From now on our house points will be called Springs.

Children will still be in one of the four existing houses which are historic to Springfield. These are: Binns, Ochiltree, Champfleurie and Hopetoun.

Children can earn up to a maximum of 3 Springs at any one time for demonstrating positive behaviour and showcasing our values around school. As a change to our previous system, Springs are small, counter-like objects so that they can be physically totalled by children.

We have made a list of rewards that each house can work towards as they earn Springs. The exciting news is that each house can choose when they would like to spend’ their Springs to buy an award, or whether to β€˜save’ them. Β We believe that this β€˜spend or save’ system will help our children to develop basic financial awareness.

We are looking forward to sharing this news with all children at assembly tomorrow and starting our Springs system in school as of Monday.

We will share news of our winning house and house treats as we have it, in newsletters and on the blog.

Have a happy weekend when it comes,

Miss Baillie xxπŸ’–


Pupil Achievements…


Gymnastics success is in the air this week with lots of children gaining medals. Here are our latest award winners…

-Well done to K in P1 for winning a medal for healthy eating. Super K!

– Congratulations to H who is also in P1 for her science award.

-Finally, a massive thank you to the children and their grown ups who planted bulbs and tidied up in our playground last Sunday. You are all stars! We are so grateful!

Miss Baillie xxπŸ’–πŸ’«






Pupil Achievements…

Here are our latest pupil achievements from this week:

– Well done to F in P7A for his success in rugby. Finlay was recognised for his commitment and positive attitude towards the game. We are proud of you F!

– A super effort from A in P2A who continues to do brilliantly at gymnastics. A also brought along a worksheet of sums that she had done at home using an abacus to help her. I was most impressed! Well done A!

-Well done to E in P5 for his achievements in Fencing! What a great hobby E!

-Finally, congratulations to H in P4/5 who is our first child at Springfield to get into our values, Hall of Fame, for his wider participation. What an amazing effort! We hope that you are all working on your Hall of Fame activities. Remember that you have a whole session to complete tasks.

Miss Baillie xxπŸ’–πŸ’«

SPS and Bonnytoun News…

We hope that you have all had a good week. We can’t believe that it is the end of September already! Where does time go! This week saw us celebrating the European Day of Languages which culminated in our excellent assembly today led by Mrs Gordon, our 1+2 languages champion. Mrs Gordon has trained our pupils to be Language Ambassadors and they now help a variety of classes across school to learn French and Spanish. Thank you Mrs Gordon for your continued enthusiasm and hard work. It is much appreciated.

Today also marked the end of an era for our much-loved cook, Jessie, who has retired after 18 years of service at Springfield and many more with West Lothian Council. Jessie has gone over and above the call in her role for the duration of her time at SPS feeding children in school and providing catering for school events. We will miss her dearly and we wish her a long, happy and healthy retirement. Xx

Thank you also to all grown ups who attended our Family Learning event on the tracking and monitoring of pupil health and wellbeing across school, this week. We hope that you found it an informative evening.

Kind wishes for a happy weekend,

Miss Baillie xxπŸ’–πŸ’«


Pupil Achievements…

Despite it being a short week, our pupils have been busy bringing along their achievements to my office. Here is this week’s selection:

-Well done to A in P1 for his Enjoy-a-Ball trophy! Great football A!

-Congratulations to K in P2 for his efforts in Taekwon-Do!

-A brilliant effort from A in P2 and E in P4 for gaining certificates for activities that they undertook at the weekend and whilst on holiday with their families.

-Lastly, we are so proud of D in P6 for winning a medal for his age group in Kick-boxing. What a superstar D!

Miss Baillie xx

School and Nursery News…

We have had an enjoyable short week ending today with a brilliant assembly from Mrs Matos and P7B about being confident.

I was so impressed by how beautifully the children spoke to the audience about why we should all feel good in our own skin. This assembly continues our recent focus on mental health and wellbeing.

Our staff worked very hard on the INSET day earlier on this week to increase their understanding of how to support children with their emotional development, using a new resource called Emotions Talk. We now have this resource in place across school and it will initially be used to support identified children within classes.

You will notice today that we have sent out our new values, Hall of Fame, information. Children will also come home with this in homework jotters/bags on Monday. We hope that you will support your child as they undertake the list of achievements linked to or school values.

Next Wednesday, 26th September, we will be holding a wellbeing event for parents in school from 6-7pm. Please come along to learn more about how we track wellbeing in school and nursery.


Have a lovely weekend,

Kind wishes,

Miss Baillie xxπŸ’–


Look At Our Infant Writing!

I am always delighted by the progress of our P1 pupils in their first term of school and this year’s children are no exception. When we access progress in the the early years, we look at child development markers as well as curriculum benchmarks. Β Already, our Β P1 children are developing in all areas through their play experiences and small group teaching. They have learned at least five sounds so far and are beginning to make three letter words. Reading books have been given out and the Oxford Reading Tree stories much enjoyed by all.

Here are two lovely little P2 girls, who came along to show me their amazing writing this week. They had both made and Β written their own books entitled β€˜The Bossy Cat’ and β€˜The Lost Fairy’! I was so impressed and delighted to see their progress.Β  Their progress is indicative of the work carried out last year when they were in P1.

Thank you to both of our P1 teachers for their superb efforts last year to get our P2 children to this stage.

Miss Baillie xxπŸ’«πŸ’–

Pupil Achievements From This Week.

Here are some of our latest pupil achievements . Once again, we are very proud of our fantastic children.

-Well done to a group of P6 children who each took part in a recent triathalon.

-A super effort from C in P3 for her brilliant work in gymnastics!

– A massive congratulations to H in P2 who has been busy fundraising with her family to help others. Great work H!

-Well done to D and H in P3 for bringing along their β€˜control panel for a rocket’ to show me.

– H and E in P5 worked together at home to make this solar system mobile. What great teamwork! We are proud of you!

Miss Baillie xπŸ’«

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