Growth Mindset Assembly

Thank you to Mr Logan and P7B for reminding us of the importance of having a Growth Mindset, at assembly last Friday. We should always keep on trying to be the very best that we can be and persevere in the face of challenges that come our way. We will continue to promote the ‘Growth Mindset’ ethos at Springfield, since it is proven to have a beneficial impact on learning.

Miss Baillie x


Marches Magazine Competition Winners!

We are delighted to say that Mark Linton in P2/3 and Rebecca Hammond in P4B have won the Round Table Marches Magazine competition for Springfield Primary School. Mark’s picture of the Aqueduct and Rebecca’s poem about Linlithgow have been chosen to appear in the 2017 Marches Magazine. Both children will also receive a book token from the Round Table for their high standard of work. Well done to Mark and Rebecca! Once again, we are very proud!

Miss Baillie x


Easter Parade!

We had such a lovely ‘end of term’ last week with our Easter Parade and Easter Church Service. Our Easter Parade was a new feature to SPS this year, but one that seemed very popular with both parents and children. For those of you who came along to see the children performing Easter songs in their wonderful Easter bonnets, I hope that you enjoyed it!

Happy holidays and Happy Easter everyone! See you all back at School on Tuesday 18th April for the start of our Summer term.  Thank you so much for your ongoing support.

Miss Baillie x



Mhairi’s Ski Award

Congratulations to Mhairi in P2 for gaining an award in skiing. Mhairi has been going along to Polmont Ski Centre for lessons, for several months and is now able to ski . Well done Mhairi! We are proud of you!

Miss Baillie xx

Chess Club Awards.

Well done to our Chess Club children for all of their efforts this session at the Tuesday, lunchtime club. The club has now finished for this session and will resume again in September 2017. Here are some pictures of the ‘end of session’ prizegiving. A special ‘well done’ to Oliver  Thompson who won an award for his overall performance and positive attitude towards chess.  Thank you so much to Mr Clarke and Mr Woodhouse, the volunteers who run the club and provide this amazing opportunity for our pupils. We are so grateful!

Miss Baillie x

Reading Buddies

We have a number of children across school who act as ‘reading buddies’ to each other. Here is Sean in P3 who loves to read each week to Bailey in P1B. I caught the boys sitting quietly reading as I passed by this week and it warmed my heart. Hoping that it warms your heart too!

Have a lovely weekend in the Spring sunshine everyone,

Miss Baillie xx




P2 Writing Success

I was delighted to see the progress that our P2 children are making in Writing. Here are three of Mrs Burton’s lovely pupils; Akiera, Harrison and Ella Rose who came along to my office to show me their hard work. We have been working hard to develop children’s writing at all levels this session and progress is evident. We are committed to raising standards in Literacy and giving all children the support that they need to succeed.


Miss Baillie x


P1/2 Friendship Assembly

Thank you to Miss Mudd and P1/2 for their lovely assembly about friendship that we all had the pleasure to watch yesterday. It was great to see all children speaking confidently and taking part in a variety of ways.  The importance of being a good friend was relayed to the audience through the story of The Rainbow Fish. Well done to all involved and a special mention to the P6 and P7 children who helped along with Miss Prince!

Miss Baillie xx


Finlay’s Amazing Charity Walk!

Well done to Finlay Couper in P2/3 who walked for the Chest, Heart and Stroke charity last weekend, in memory of his Dad.

What an amazing achievement Finlay! We are so proud of you!

Miss Baillie x

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