‘Well Done!’ From Miss Baillie…

Well done to the following children for their achievements over the last new weeks…

Jack Stapleton in P2 for gaining a new belt in Judo! Super effort Jack!

Eilidh Candlish in P2/3 for her wonderful work in gymnastics! What a star that you are Eilidh!

Cori Outram in P2/3 and Mairi Dowens in P2 for taking part in a Duathalon! How amazing for two little girls!

 Lily-Rose Graham and  Nicci Matheson in P5A for their super Marie Curie fundraising effort!

Heather Whittington in P6B for winning First Prize with her brilliant decorated bike in the Marches! Go Heather!

And last but not least…Andrew Wolsey for his wonderful achievements in football and skiing!

We really are so proud of you all!

Miss Baillie xxx

Round Table Fun Day Success!

Congratulations to some of our pupils who took part, with their athletics team, in the Round Table Assault Course at the Fun Day. They came Second and won £50 for their athletics club. Well done kids!

Miss Baillie x


Marches Day Winners!

Congratulations to Heather Whittington and Angus Crighton who entered their decorated bikes into the Marches competition.

Well done to Heather for winning First Prize!

Here are some lovely pictures of the children with their bikes. What amazing work!


Miss Baillie x

‘Well Done’ from Miss Baillie…

Well done to the following children for sharing their achievements with me this week:

– Eva McGeachie in P2 for her success in dancing! As a former dancer, I am very proud! Well done Eva! Keep pointing those toes!

-Heather Whittington in P6B for her fabulous and unique art work! You are very talented Heather!

-James Hammond in P6A for his on-going achievements in orienteering! Super effort James!

-Mack Crawford in P4B for gaining a new belt in Tae Kwon Do. Great work Mack!

I am delighted with you all!

Miss Baillie xx


SSPCA Assembly

Lauren from the SSPCA came to talk to us all about her work at Assembly yesterday. We are a school of animal lovers and we work hard to promote the message that animals should be treated with kindness. Thank you Lauren for your support!

Miss Baillie x

P7 Camping Stars!

Just a wee post to say thank you so much to our amazing P7 children, Mr Logan, Mrs Gordon and Mrs Hogg for being such amazing company at Dukeshouse Wood this past week. We had a fantastic time we had and I am so proud of everyone! What a fabulous school we are! All children were an absolute joy to care for and were a credit to their parents. You are all sparkling stars!

Miss Baillie Xx

Daniel’s Chess Success!

We are very proud of Daniel Lane in P2/3. Daniel is only in P2 yet his chess skills are exceptional for his age! We are so lucky to have you as part of our school Daniel and we can’t wait to see how your chess progresses as you get older! Here is a photo of Daniel with his recent trophy! Our school is full of superstars! Please don’t hesitate to send your child along to see me with their achievements.

Miss Baillie x


P1B Superstars!

Thank you so much to Mrs Kennedy and her lovely P1B children for their beautiful Assembly about ‘growing’ yesterday. The butterfly song was my favourite part as well as the recount of the Hungry Caterpillar story. Well done especially to Noah! What a great caterpillar you were!

We have so much enjoyed welcoming Mr Wells this week and we are so excited to be working with you! Go Team Springfield!


I hope that you have all been enjoying the sunny weather! Have a fabulous weekend!

Miss Baillie xx


Farewell Mrs Malcolm and Thank you!

We said a sad farewell to Mrs Malcolm, our acting HT today, after helping to lead us for the past eight months.  We are pleased that Mrs Malcolm can now go and enjoy her well deserved retirement but we will all really miss working with her around school. Thank you so much Mrs Malcolm for all that you have done!  We have all loved working with you!

Next week we have the pleasure of welcoming out new HT, Mr Wells, into our school.  We are so much looking forward  to working with him and taking the next step on our ‘learning journey’  at Springfield and Bonnytoun…

Miss Baillie xxx


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