Pupil Achievements From This Week…

Here is O from P4 with her Halloween, tennis match achievement. Well done from all of us at Springfield!

Congratulations to A and B in P5A for their successes. B got a new belt in Tae Kwon Do and A got a new Blue Peter Badge! Well done to you both! Again, we are very proud!

Miss Baillie x


Infant Halloween Hop!

Thank you so much to the PTA who organised our recent P4-7 disco and Halloween Hop for our children. We all appreciate your support to enable us to give our children special memories of their time at Springfield! Great fun was had by all!

Miss Baillie x


Baking Bonanza!

Thank you so much to Mrs Woolsey who continues to help us to support our children. Here are two of our wonderful P2 boys indulging in a spot of baking with Mrs Woolsey. Baking helps children to develop Numeracy and Maths skills in a ‘real-life’ context as well as developing their vocabulary and understanding of the world around them. It is also messy and lots of fun!

Love Miss Baillie x

Pupil Achievements for this week…

Here are some of our achievements from this week…

Well done to B in P5 for achieving success in swimming and for being able to move up a level! Great effort B!

Congratulations to C in P5 for his birthday this week and for receiving an amazing toy called ‘Mr Speck’ which he brought along to show me!

Well done to two lovely P2 girls: C for her massive effort in Writing and to M for taking part in a fun run with some of her Springfield friends!

A final mention goes to S and E from Miss Mudd’s lovely P2 class. These girls took part in an amazing, science-based play opportunity this week to make a potion to turn their teacher crazy. I can tell you that I drank their potion and it certainly worked on me! My goodness! 😝

We do have lots of fun at Springfield and we certainly are a happy school full of happy children!

Love Miss Baillie x💖

‘Being Healthy, Being Active’ Assembly

We had an assembly today to remind us all how to stay active and healthy and the different ways that we can achieve this. We learned about The Eatwell Plate and how every food can be eaten in moderation as part of a balanced diet.  We also talked about different sports and ways to stay active.  Springfield Primary provides all children with two hours of quality PE each week in addition to Walk a Mile and a range of sports after-school clubs. We are also very lucky to have the wonderful Jessie and her kitchen crew who cook our children delicious and nutritious meals! We truly are a healthy school!

Happy weekend!

Miss Baillie x


Recent Pupil Achievements…

Here are two our our lovely Primary 5 children with their achievements.

You will notice that I use the initial letters of their names only, in order to protect their identifies. This will be the case with all children who have achievements from now on.

ABS went to Harry Potter World and undertook a challenge and FD took part in a golf competition at Linlithgow Golf Club with his team.

PK and MC in P5B have been very busy creating interesting pieces related to Space as part of their home-learning this month. What a tremendous effort boys!

Well done to our amazing  children! We are always very proud! I love your hat F!

Miss Baillie x

Harvest Assembly 🍂

A heartfelt thanks from all of us here at Springfield and Bonnytoun for the generous food donations that you all provided for our Harvest Assembly. These items have now been handed over to the West Lothian Foodbank and will be distributed within our community. We had a lovely assembly with Stuart, the minister from St Michael’s Church, kindly coming along to join us.

Children were in fine voice as they sang their Harvest songs and we listened to some Autumn poems written by pupils in P4-7.

Have a lovely October break everyone!

Love Miss Baillie xx 🍂


Internet Safety at SPS

Just a little post to tell you all about our commitment to working with West Lothian Council and other agencies to keep your child safe online. As you will be aware , our school blog is our main avenue for sharing your child’s learning with you. We take the safety of our pupils very seriously online and as a result of this we shall try not to post a child’s image with their name beside it. This policy is in line with both West Lothian Council and the NSPCC guidelines. Where we do post a child’s name, there will be no image of the child within the vicinity.

We continue to teach our children about staying safe and being a responsible user online through our on-going classroom work, assemblies and in our Internet Safety week which runs in Term 4. All children signed a ‘Safe User’ policy which was sent home last session to ensure that they understood rules around the use of the Internet.

Digital technologies continue to play a massive part of all of our lives and will be increasingly important in the lives of our children. We will continue to work with you and all of our partners to ensure that our children can make the best use of technologies whilst being protected online.

Please let us know of any queries or concerns around our use of the Internet or ICT.

We do want to get it right for everyone!

Kind wishes,

Miss Baillie x

P5 Space Assembly 🚀

Thank you so much to Mrs Newton, Mrs Law and the children in both P5 classes for their space themed assembly last Friday. We all enjoyed learning about the different planets and about space exploration. Here is a picture of the children performing.  Well done to all for a great effort!

Miss Baillie x


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