‘ What we learn, becomes apart of who we are.’

Our week started off with a bang! Mr Wells and Miss Baillie joined our classroom during a Literacy lesson. We were learning about the importance of adjectives in our writing and how important it is to use creative adjectives to help our readers create a clear picture of what we are writing. Things got rather strange, one minute Mrs Matos was there, and the next…poof! She was gone, MISSING!! She had just been teaching us about adjectives and we all got to work using creative adjectives to describe our missing teacher. We used a missing person’s poster layout to help us describe her….and after all the adjectives that were used, and creative posters that were created, Mrs Matos was found!! Do ask us about our lesson, as we now know how to add more detail to our stories for you to get a clearer picture of went happened during our lesson.

BINGO!! We played some rounding bingo for numeracy this week.  The game helped us to use our knowledge on rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100’s. We also learned to use rounding in calculations for addition and subtraction, as it is easier to calculate numbers which are in 10’s or 100’s. We even managed to use the rounding strategy during number talks which we realised was a very efficient strategy to use. Try asking us some calculations at home and we can practice using the rounding strategy.

We continued to  practice some ball skills in PE this week. As our  focus is on basket ball, we practiced some dribbling and some different passes.

Bonjour! We’ve been practising our greetings this week in 1+2. We word together with a partner . In speech bubbles we wrote down the dialogue that we spoke to each other.  Keep your eye out for our dialogue on  our French wall display in our classroom. This activity helped us to practice our pronunciation  and extend our writing in French. Next week we will focus on feelings, how to ask how someone is feeling and the  appropriate responds to being asked how we feel.

We’ve been using the class atlas and netbooks to research key facts and features of the River Forth. We created our own representation of the River Forth and added in some key features to our representations. We have been using the netbooks to research different rivers around the world, and we voted for the river that we would like to compare the river Forth to. The Amazon river was the winning river. In the next few weeks, we will be comparing the features of the two rives.

Last week Friday Miss Baillie set the school a writing challenge, and as we are fond of challenges and competitions, we were keen to show Miss Baillie what  star writers we are. We wrote poems about Autumn in Linlithgow, our poems described what Autumn looks like, feels like, and smells like in Linlithgow to us. We spent some time planning our poems, some poems were acrostic poems and some were poems that rhymed.  After our planning we used the netbooks to type our poems, we were creative with using a range of fonts, and page borders.  Mrs Matos is so pleased with our efforts that she is very sure that we will have a few winners from our class.

On Friday, it was the first of our various committee meetings. remember to ask us about our chosen committee and what we have planned for this session!

Lastly a massive well done to all P6A learners, Miss Baillie awarded the class with Class of the week in assembly on Friday. Mrs Matos is very proud of all the boys and girls in P6A.




Short and sweet.

All children returned back to school refreshed and rearing to learn after a lovely long weekend.  Although we only had a three day week, we were definitely very busy.

I numeracy this week, we completed some work on rounding up to 7 digit numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000’s. We have shown great understanding on rounding through a variety of activities. Next week we will be using our rounding knowledge to solve addition and subtraction problems. On Thursday Mrs Kerr joined us in the classroom to take part in our weekly Number talk. Number talks is helping us to improve our mental maths by using a variety of chosen strategies, we get the opportunity to show our understanding by sharing our strategies with the class. Mrs Kerr was very impressed as we were able to solve 3 digit number added to a 3 digit number  mentally. Majority of us preferred to use partitioning as our strategy and we all agreed it was the most effective strategy to use at the time. I wonder what strategies we will use next week, perhaps rounding up or down?

Continuing with our class novel, Wonder , we learned  how to create a balanced argument. We wrote reasons for the main character, August should attend school. Through our writing we learned that you can not just give a reason but you also need to give evidence to support your reasoning. We really had to use our memories to gather evidence from the story.  We have also been working on our editing skills, we worked through a passage and identified the punctuation errors. We never realized how important punctuation is, and how the meaning of the sentence can change if not used correctly . A funny example Mrs Matos shared with us was, ‘Let’s eat grandma. Let’s eat, grandma’. To finish off Literacy this week we looked at Homophones, there, their and they’re….ask us if we can give you example to identify the different meanings.

We continued to use the Atlas to help us identify the different countries in the UK. We needed to identify and label the countries. Next week we going to look at the main features in Scotland and we will be labelling them on our maps.

We have entered into the Gap UK T-shirt design competition. The competition is linked to our Novel, Wonder. We needed to design a T-shirt that shows our idea of what Kindness means. The exciting part is if we win, out T-shirts get printed and sold in Gap stores to raise money for an anti-bullying charity.  Mrs Matos was very impressed with our designs, let’s hope the judges will be too.

P6A and Mrs Matos


When we work together, we learn together.

We really try this year to work together as a team. We know that if we work well together, that together we will learn.  Each week Mrs Matos will give us a team building challenge, so that we can practise working together. This weeks challenge involved plastic cups, an elastic and string. We worked in groups of four. Each person in the group was given a piece of string, our string was tied to the elastic. Using only the string, we needed to build the tallest tower with the plastic cups. To start off we found it very difficult, but with a growth mindset, communication and team work we managed to build our towers.

It was Maths week this week, and we took a hands on approach to help us with numbers. We have been working on 7 digit numbers, we’ve been looking at the different ways that numbers can be written , such as in words, standard form and expanded form. We’ve been looking at the place value of numbers and rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. We took our learning outdoors this week, we worked in groups to collect natural resources to create a ‘big’ number. We used sticks, stones and leaves to create our number. Using the number we created we, wrote the number in words, we showed the place value of each digit and lastly we rounded our number to the nearest 10, 100, and 1000.  During class we had various place value and rounding stations set up. We worked in pairs and used concrete materials to answer questions based on numbers. Our last Math challenge this week, was to create as many shapes possible using just one large piece of string, which you could not cut, with team work we raised to the challenge with some great results.


Through a variety games, such as word match and scrabble we practiced our spelling words and sound patterns.

We’ve been working hard over the last few weeks to create our French vocabulary flash cards, this week we worked with a partner and using our flash cards we practiced the pronunciation and meanings of the words we have learnt so far.

One of our PE focuses this term is going to be basketball, to get us prepared we are practicing different skills that we will be using. This week we focused on our dribbling skills. It was important that we kept our eye on the ball, and tried to keep control of the ball, so that it didn’t go all over the place.

We’ve had a busy week, but we will be looking forward to it all again on Wednesday, when we back from our long weekend break.

P6A and Mrs Matos



‘You can’t blend in, when you were born to stand out.’ R.J Palacio

‘I won’t describe what I look like. Whatever you are thinking, it’s  probably worse’. These words come from our class novel, Wonder by R.J Palacio. Before listening to the novel, we were grouped into three’s, Mrs Matos gave each group a tube of toothpaste, a toothpick each and a plate. You can imagine we were just as confused as you are. Mrs Matos asked us to empty out all the toothpaste into the plate, that was a lot of fun, still left confused the next instruction was to put ALL the toothpaste back into the tube…..with only the TOOTHPICK!! It was impossible. We learnt from this activity that the tube represents our mouths, and the toothpaste our words. We realised that any words that are spoken, especially unkind words we can not take back, just like the toothpaste couldn’t  go back into the tube. This activity was fun and messy but we learnt something special before embarking on our journey through the book called Wonder.

This year we want to focus on having a positive growth mindset towards Numeracy and Maths . A lot of us sometimes feel anxious or don’t enjoy Maths because we worried about getting the answer wrong. We watched an important video on why challenges are good for us and how, when we find things difficult, that by trying our brains are growing and by excepting the challenge and making mistakes that is how we learn. To help build our confidence and mental agility, we have Number talk discussions. Number Talks help us to solve problems mentally and then to share our strategies with the class, this has helped us to see that it’s  not how fast we get to the answer or even if we get the answer wrong, it is about sharing our strategies and finding our errors, and that is how we learn, because we all see numbers differently. Over the last week we have been learning to analyse and interpret graphs. We have looked at bar and line graphs, but just for that extra challenge we worked in pairs to analyse and interpret a graph we have never seen before…..A ‘cross graph. We took on the challenge, worked well with our partners and managed to identify all the information that we needed.  ‘Never give up, no matter how difficult it may seem.’

Being in Primary 6 comes with some responsibilities. We have taken on the roles of having P2 Buddies. We know that sometimes using the netbooks can be difficult, so we went along to Mrs Burton and her P2 class to help them research the closest sea side resort to Linlithgow using the netbooks. We needed to show our buddies how to switch the netbooks on, we explained how and why we were using google, and then helped them to type and search. We enjoyed spending some time with the P2’s and we hope to help throughout the year with various other activities.

As part of our weekly research this week, we worked with a partner to research  Treacher_Collins syndrome, as this is the condition that the main narrator in the book, Wonder, has. We had to find facts about the syndrome, this will help us connect better with the narrator and will help us to understand his condition better.

In 1+2 this week we made our own French vocabulary flash cards, which we will use throughout the year to help us remember the meanings of the words and to practice the correct pronunciation.

Another busy week has past, what will be in store…….I ‘WONDER’

P6A and Mrs Matos

Fun and creative learning taking place in P6A!

Being inspired by last weeks visit to the Edinburgh book festival, we had spent a lot of time this week writing our own monster stories. Although the author Dave Rudden explained the writing process to us, we have been surprised how much hard work goes into writing an extraordinary story.  Mrs Matos has taught us about the three parts of writing. First we need to write all our ideas and thoughts down, we did this by making a story map, the next step is using the story map to help us write our first draft, during and after the first draft we practised our editing skills. We learnt the importance of proof reading as we managed to identify errors with our spelling and punctuation, and finally we could write our final draft, we used our edited first draft to up level our final draft of our monster stories. Mrs Matos is looking forward to reading our creative stories which we have worked so hard to complete.

This week in Numeracy we’ve been learning about different ways to collect data, and the reasons why and how we collect data in the world around us. We worked together to complete a survey on the classes, favourite sports, subject, food etc. Using the information we had gathered we drew up a tally chart. Using the tally chart we compiled all the information onto a bar chart. We have also spent some time this week learning to interpret bar graphs, we quickly learnt how deceiving some graphs may look.

Have you ever been worried before? This was a question that Mrs Matos asked us, Mrs Matos read or should we say dramatized the story of a Huge bag of worries. Mrs Matos had her own bag of worries that she was carrying around to, and showed us that if we don’t share our worries with someone how big the bag of worries can become. We confidently shared some of our worries with each other. Mrs Matos also showed us her special box on her table, that if ever we were worried about anything big or small that we can write it on a piece of paper and put it her worry box, Mrs Matos will then read our worry, and will try her best to help us.  We created our own bag of worries which we wrote down some of the worries in the bag.

Skipping, Hula hooping, balancing are just a few things we did in PE this week. Stations were set up around the hall, and we had to rotate through all the stations focusing on balancing, jumping, skipping and eye hand co-ordination. Miss Hardie even showed off some of her skipping skills too.

In 1 + 2 this week we practised some vocabulary, such as Salut, Au revoir, Bojour , Bonsoir etc. We focused not just knowing the English translation for each, but how to correctly pronounce the words.

From monsters to French words that sums up our learning, and we eager for it to all happen again next week.

P6A and Mrs MatosA


Welcome to P6A

A massive warm welcome back to all our learners in Primary 6A. It has been a busy fun first week back. We have enjoyed spending time  learning more about our class mates and familiarising ourselves with our new classroom.

We  started our week off designing a name tent for our tables, this has helped Mrs Matos and Miss Hardie to help them learn our names much quicker.  Our name tents allowed us to be creative with our names, we also wrote three truths and a fib and everyone needed to guess which one was a fib. This was great fun, with a lot of laughter but we also learnt a lot more about each other.

To help us set our expectations for Primary 6, Mrs Matos wrote  various questions on a large sheet of paper , e.g. What can we do to make our class run smoothly and how can Mrs Matos help me be successful this year? Mrs Matos gave us time to think and reflect on these questions. We wrote our answers on a post it note and stuck it under the questions. We then worked in groups to organise the answers and we displayed the responses in a bar graph.

Our first week in Primary 6 has been a real ‘sweet’ week. One of our favourite activities this week was the M&M ice breaker game. Can you believe we got to eat the M&Ms too?? We played the ice breaker game in pairs. We were also given a list of the instructions. Each colour M&M was a different topic that we needed to tell our partner about, for example, if we chose and orange M&M we needed to tell our partner our dreams and hopes for the future. This was another activity that helped us learn more about each other.

An important part of our learning is being able to work together in a group. To help us learn what makes group work effective, Mrs Matos set us on a challenge. We were given three large sheets of tinfoil and some pipe cleaners. We were only given 45 minutes to come up with our own creative structures. For us to complete this challenge we needed to make sure we communicated effectively and that all team members agreed on the design, we had to plan our design and then ‘build’ it, all of this in just 45 minutes!! We all quickly learned as the clock was ticking how important listening and co-operation was in order to complete the challenge. There were some really creative designs. We all had an opportunity to vote for our favourite and the winning group was Mack, Morven and Luke with their house design, well done.

Our final highlight of the week was our trip to the Edinburgh Book Festival. We were fortunate to have an interactive author talk from Dave Rudden and J R Wallis. The talk was not only funny and entertaining but we learned from these two authors that writing is like a muscle, the more you practise the better you will become. We were spoilt with a £3 book voucher which we were able to use towards purchasing a new book. We finally had the opportunity to get our books signed by the authors.

After a busy week, we can only wonder what next week will have in store for us.

P6A and Mrs Matos




A race towards the finish!

Our week started off with some sunshine and the new and exciting Quidditch tournament. We were placed into our house teams, and fought for the winning cup. Putting our new found Quidditch skills to the test, we played numerous rounds competing against each other, until the final team won for the day. A big thank you to Mr Newton for coaching us over the last few weeks and for organising a spectacular day!


Joining P5A on Tuesday, we all joined in a bit of Zumba.. Amazing how much of a sweat we worked up just with a little bit of dancing. Taking part in Zumba we are extending  our skills of following directions and working on co-ordination, which is much trickier than you may think.

Over the last few weeks we have been very busy planning a holiday for a family wanting to visit Linlithgow. We needed to research flights, hotels and calculate a budget for the family. A lot of effort went into researching to meet all the requirements of our travelling family. This week we presented our travel arrangements to the class. Mrs Matos was very proud of all our hard work!

On Thursday some of us auditioned for Springfield’s got talent. We have some very talented children in P5B, the acts ranged from singing, to dancing and some gymnastics too, all the acts did really well. Unfortunately we could only select two acts to go through to the finals, which will be held next week Tuesday. The class voted and Anna and Dayna , theywill be representing P5B on Tuesday.

Over the week, we completed our personal projects. We have all worked really hard on our projects, we have been using the netbooks to do research and to help us compile our projects. We also spent some time on Thursday and used the netbooks to play some Sumdog. It is a lot of fun, and remember we can play it at home too, especially over the summer holidays which will help us keep on top of our Maths.

It’s almost summer holidays, which means we are getting nearer the end of Primary 5. We spent this week reflecting on the year that has gone by. To help us reflect we created these stunning hand portraits, we used colour and patterns to help show our personalities. Around our hands we shared our memories of Primary 5. Looking back we all have some very fond memories

P5B and Mrs Matos


An active week in P5B

Its has truly been a week of sports and fitness. This week finished our eight week block of Futsal. We finished with a mini Futsal tournament. It was great to see everyone using the skills they have learnt in their matches.  We were fortunate this week to have PE specialist, Mr Stewart , to take us for a gymnastics PE lesson, our lesson focused on keeping safe and challenging ourselves. It was lots of fun getting the gymnastics equipment out, a big thank you to Mr Stewart, P5B had a lot of fun.  On Wednesday was our final Quidditch training before our big Quidditch tournament on Monday. We looking forward to using the skills we have learnt with Mr Newton, and having good sportsmanship during our games.  Another thank you goes to Mr Logon for taking us for PE on Thursday, we enjoyed playing some football.

French this week was taken with Mrs Gordon, we listened to some French songs and revised counting in French. To end our lesson, Mrs Gordon took us outside to play the French version of ‘Duck, Duck goose’. We behaved so well for Mrs Gordon, and Mrs Matos was very impressed with the positive feedback, as a reward we got to watch Thomas the tank Engine in French!

In Numeracy this week we worked on weight. We learnt to convert grams to kilograms, we estimated weight and we sorted weight from lightest to heaviest and heaviest to lightest.

In literacy this week , we wrote a special letter to our new P6 teacher. Our focus was on the correct layout of a formal letter. We discussed the importance of using a variety of sentence openers and to try not over using pronouns as an opener. We spent some time with our new P6 teacher, and we are all looking forward to the new session after the summer holidays.

Next week Monday we have our Quidditch tournament to look forward to as well as sports day on  Wednesday, please remember to  wear sports gear and house colours.

P5B and Mrs Matos


‘Learning is an experience. Everything else is just information’ (Albert Einstein)

No better way to start the week, than with a trip to Linlithgow Palace. We were fortunate enough that the weather was kind and the rain stayed away. We had a very informative tour around the Palace, a big thank you must go to the Primary 7s of Linlithgow Primary for taking us on our tour, not only were they well informed but they made our tour very fun with some added humour.

Another lovely surprise was a visit from Dog’s trust. We learnt so much about how important it is to be responsible when deciding to have a dog. We had a look and discussed different case studies that Dog’s Trust have had to deal with. We had a chance to learn how best to groom a dog and the importance of micro chipping your dog. Adam had a go to find the micro chip in one of the play dogs that were brought. Ambra was very brave as she demonstrated the best and most hygienic way to pick up dog fouling.

We continued with measure this week. We used objects around the classroom to measure.  Using a ruler, we calculated quarter meters, which items are longer or shorter than a quarter meter. There were a few blocked noses as we had to take of our shoes and measure them too…thank goodness for windows!!

In Literacy this week we recapped Parts of Speech. We worked in groups to sort words into the correct Part of Speech. Each group was then given a part of speech, the group had to write a poem on the definition of their Part of Speech. After discussing the different Parts of Speech, we realised how important that theses words are used correctly in our writing, and when used correctly, they can bring our stories to life.  We looking forward to listening to the Parts of Speech next week.

We had had a lot of fun learning new skills during our Futsal lessons. Next week will be our final week, we are really looking forward to finishing the sessions with a Futsal game, really using the skills that we have learnt to the test. In PE we had a bit of fun on the space hoppers. We held a space hopper relay race, although it was fun, we learnt one important lesson. No mater how big you are for your space hopper, or how slow you bounce, keep on smiling and never give up.

Working really hard over the last couple of weeks, planning the perfect holiday to Linlithgow, we designed a Linlithgow Olympic leaflet.  Our leaflets contained all the important information about Linlithgow, places to visit, things to do, and the dos and don’ts of Linlithgow, some fantastic creative leaflets designed by the children, the work and thought the children put into their designs really shows a great appreciation and knowledge of their local community- Well done P5B!

Lastly, a big well done to Max who took part in the Edinburgh running festival a few weekends a go! Max brought his medal along to class and shared his experience with the class.

Well done to P5B for winning this weeks peg challenge – Mrs Matos is super proud of everyone!!

P5B and Mrs Matos

Flying through Primary 5!

As always another busy week in P5B. In Numeracy this week we used our prior knowledge of Decimals and money.  Together with a partner we went on a ‘lunch date’ to the Safari Restaurant.  From the menu we had to select a starter to share, a main meal each , a pudding and drink each. Once we selected from the menu we needed to calculate the cost of our meal, using our knowledge of adding decimals using the formal written method. We also had to calculate a cheaper price by removing certain choices from our menu, this helped to reinforce subtracting decimals using the formal written method. Together we worked through a variety of activities adding and subtracting decimals.


The fun in numeracy doesn’t stop there. We worked in groups and had to follow specific instructions to make our own paper planes. Once our planes were made, we had three attempts to fly them, each time we had to estimate the distance our paper plane flew, after writing down our estimations we used meter rulers to measure the distance our plans flew. Plenty of fun was had by everyone in the class. Mrs Matos was proud of all the boys and girls and every worked co-operatively in the groups.

Our guided reading session this week took us outdoors. We worked together with our reading groups to select a part in the book that we all enjoyed and would be able to turn it into a play. We worked together to discuss and write a clear description of each character. We began to talk about the setting and plot of the story. We have started to write a script which will be based on the story we are busy reading.  We all worked really hard and looking forward to acting out our scripts in the next couple of weeks.

We are really enjoying our Linlithgow Olympic theme. We have spent some time on the netbooks this week, researching  different airlines and the cost for adults and children to fly. We have researched different hotels in and around Linlithgow, we looked at pricing, facilities, star rating and customer reviews. After discussions and researching exchange rate, we are beginning to plan a budget for our travelling customers, watch this space we might be planning our next family holiday!

To top the week off we had some outdoor playtime during golden time. We have plenty tow look forward to next week, with a trip planned for Monday and Tuesday, remember to bring a packed lunch to school on both days.

P5B and Mrs Matos


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