Author Visit and Fraction walls

Our week started off brilliantly with a visit from M.G.Leonard and Sam Sedgman. They told us how they wrote the book – right from the planning when they came up with the idea of a mystery adventure set on a train to how they researched information about trains and then eventually were ready to actually write the book. We were enthralled and some of us bought the book, so have already started to enjoy it. Mrs.Burton has bought the book so we will be reading it as a class very soon.
In Numeracy we have continued with fractions and some of us have made fraction walls so that we can workout equivalent fractions. We are getting good at calculating fractions of numbers and not just the easy ones.
This week we planned and wrote a newspaper report. Our subject was a Viking Raid. They were very good and it certainly appealed to some of us as we could actually write about the violence of some of the Vikings.
In hockey this week, we started to play mini games which we enjoyed. Our skills are really progressing well.
Our short read this week was finding the silly words which we always like to do and we answered questions on a text, using our deductive skills.
At NYCOS we focused on reinforcing the stave and ta rest and then the new pitch La was introduced.
So a busy week for everyone. Have a lovely weekend and keep well.
From P4B and Mrs.Burton

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