Even though it has been a short week P5/6 have been super busy!
In Numeracy, we consolidated our learning on decimals, in particular adding and subtracting them. We hope to move on and look at fractions soon. Hopefully our understanding of decimals will help us identify a connection between the two.
Last week the class completed lots of research about the Battle of Stirling Bridge. This week we wrote newspaper articles about the battle. We focused on including a catchy headline, quotes and writing in the past tense.
We have organised ourselves into small groups and are in the middle of planning obstacle courses to drive the Sphero’s through. Hopefully we can then transfer these skills to creating a course that we can then code the Sphero’s to travel through on their own.
While P6 have been busy with FAME the Primary 5’s researched the armour and weaponry that was used during the Scottish Wars of Independence. They then created life size drawings of soldiers, showing the clothing worn and some of the weapons they would carry. They are huge and look amazing on our classroom wall!
Have a lovely weekend,
Primary 5/6