Wow, what a fun, busy week!
I’ll just mention some of the highlights. On Monday we had a technology afternoon. We were set two challenges – the first was to build the highest tower possible using only newspaper and cellotape. It had to stand unaided, with a platform at the top for a toy car. The car had to balance on it for 10 seconds. Every team fulfilled the brief and the winning team built a tower that was 57cm high! The second challenge was to make elf shoes that fitted someone in your group. They had to be able to come off and on and be strong enough to last in a parade around the classroom. Every team succeeded and we got two children from P3B to judge the best looking shoe to help us to decide on a winner!
Our party on Tuesday was great. It was like a real disco with cool lights and Mr Wells was our DJ, he played lots of good music and helped with instructions for the games. We played pass the parcel, musical statues, Christmas corners and had a Christmas zumba dance to finish off.
A large bag of daffodil bulbs was recently donated to the school and Mrs Tucker (who usually helps us with reading) came in to do some planting with us on Thursday. She could only stay for a while so she got us started and trained a few helpers to show the others what to do – thank you! Also, a big shout out to O, L and S who did an amazing job – helping all the children in both P3 and P1 classes to plant some bulbs – thanks boys! The plants are for the children to look after at home and hopefully they will see some flowers in Spring.
We sang so well at the Carols Around the Tree concert – especially as we we opened the show We had been practising hard and are very proud of ourselves. We hope you enjoyed it.
Have a wonderful Christmas,
P3A and Mrs Kennedy