P4A Blog Week Ending 4.10.19


P4A Blog Week Ending 4.10.19

Literacy and English

In literacy we had a lesson on a ‘short read’. In pairs we read a short passage of text and then tried to fill in the missing words with a word that made sense in the passage. Then we tried to think of a word that meant the same called a synonym. We got 5 points if we got the actual word in the passage and a point if we chose a word that made sense in the passage. We had some ERIC time (Everyone Reading in Class) to enjoy reading of our choice.

For big writing we were learning the purpose and use of a diary. We wrote our own personal diaries of events that happened in the past and used ‘I’ throughout as it was our own experiences.

In grammar and punctuation we were learning when to use exclamation marks, question marks and full stops. We learned that everything that is said including the exclamation mark goes inside the speech marks. In handwriting we were practising joining silent letters for words like write, knight, honest.

In French we were learning lots of words to describe different types of clothes.  To We tried to guess what the French word could mean in English using clues like looking for the s at the end of words like chaussures to look for clothe that were plural like shoes.

Numeracy and Mathematics

In Numeracy and Mathematics we have been consolidating our learning on rounding and estimating. We found rounding easier as there was an exact answer. We practised questions on Sumdog. We have also been learning through number talks with ‘esti-mystery’ lessons which were fun.

 Learning across the Curriculum

We started planning for our presentations on India’s climate compared to Scotland and how the climate affects how people live. We will be presenting a 3-5 minute talk to the class next week ourselves or in small groups in our choice of format. It could be a powerpoint, word document, rap, song, drama. Our focus will be to show what we have learned and develop skills in speaking to an audience. In Health and Wellbeing we learned about different coping strategies we could use to help us deal with emotions and were able to share some examples of times we felt particularly emotional. In science with Mrs Begarnie we learned that people can get new hearts! We saw a heart transplant which was amazing!


Well done to EM and OH for receiving a certificate at assembly for showing the school values of confidence and respect.

Coming Up

October Holidays

  • All break Friday, 11 October
  • Pupils resume Tuesday, 22 October

Have a good weekend!

P4A and Ms McAlpine

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