Guess who’s back- back from camp ;)

No blog last week as we were having too much fun at camp (and Lendrick Muir), hopefully you will have all seen the photos Mrs Newton finally managed to send via Class Dojo.

On Monday we learned how to throw the javelin in the morning and then in the afternoon we did Basketball with the P7 sports leaders. We revisited perimeter and also finished our buddy letters.

On Tuesday some of us visited our buddys in the Nursery and we also did more work on area. The Dyers Fraternity visited us to explain their role in the Marches and asked us to draw pen and ink line drawings of them. In the afternoon we went to the Book Festival, we met Kieran on the way (he was teaching Quidditch at Lowport 🙁 ). The author talk was very good and she talked about what had inspired her to write.

Wednesday we had sports day, the weather stayed dry almost until the end and everyone was able to take part or help out. A big thank you to A B-S who helped Mrs Manlove sell teas, coffees and the 100 square and AP who picked the winner 🙂

On Thursday we wrote  reports on our trip to Dalguise or Lendrick Muir for our JASS folders, we need to finish these next Wednesday so we also spent some time checking them today. In Science we watched a heart transplant and then identified the different chambers within the heart.

We took our measurements for our P7 hoodies. We are hoping that we will have these when we start P7 in August 🙂

Next week we are on holiday on Tuesday (yeah 🙂 ) and then we only have two weeks left of Primary 6.

Have a lovely weekend, hoping the sun shines.

From P6a and Mrs Newton

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