Hand washing, Area and Programming in P2A

A very busy week in P2A! Our Assembly practices are in full swing and we are showing lots of enthusiasm and dedication. We especially love practising the song and the dances. Please see the dojo message for information regarding costumes.

In Spelling we have been working on plurals and learning the rules for when we add –s and –es. We know that we add –es when the word ends in: sh ch ss s x z. For example, glasses, boxes

In Writing we practised writing instructions on how to wash our hands. Miss Devonshire did a fun experiment with us on Monday to show us how far germs can spread and why it is so important that we wash our hands.

In Maths we have been finding out the area of a shape using counters and by counting squares. We know that area is the space inside a shape.

In Art we finished our Gerald the Giraffe pictures, you will see them in our class assembly but here is a sneak peek:

In Health and Well-being we discussed what it means to be resilient. We talked about things we can do and things we can’t do…yet.

On Thursday we had a visit from the team at Generation Science. It was AMAZING! We learned how to program a robot – this tied in nicely with our instruction writing as you need to give the robot clear instructions in the correct order.

In the afternoon we had our first session of Futsal with Kieran. Futsal is like football but with a heavier ball. It’s great for practising our co-ordination and ball skills.

As next week is a very short week we will not be giving out homework or reading. We will resume homework and reading on Monday 13th May.

Have a lovely long weekend!

Love from Mrs Bell, Miss Devonshire and P2A x

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