P4/5 Week commencing 18th March 2019

On Tuesday we had our tenth NYCOS lesson. We learned a new song called “Categories”.  We had to think of an animal which sounded out two beats otherwise you were knocked out of the game.

We continued with our Egyptian topic by learning about the mummification process. We wrote a set of detailed instructions in chronological order of how a Mummy is mummified.

In Science we finished testing our model “shadufs”.  Then we drew pictures of our models and gave ourselves feedback using “two stars and a wish”. After this we started looking at the process known as filtration to make dirty water clean.

In Maths we revised our six, eight and nine times tables as some of us are still a bit rusty with them. In addition to this we learned how to write the time in different ways. We also took part in the BIG Maths challenge to improve our multiplication skills and some of us are now moving up the levels.

We also played our new maths games called “Noggle”.  Using the random numbers selected the highest value we manged to create was 19,402 using the four operations.

In French we were learning about the weather and created a weather display for the classroom.  Our language ambassadors Mikey and Ben delivered a mini lesson to the class and taught them how to play the game “French Snap”.

In Reading we continued to work hard carrying out our Literacy Circle roles and working on the different stories within the Literacy Box.

We have also started our new class novel entitled “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”. We are taking turns to read the novel to the class to practise our reading aloud skills.

By Mr Ritchie and all the “Tiggerrific” P4/5s.

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