Primary 2B

We’ve continued with our consonant blends and will do Phonics assessments this week, on the ones we have been learning so far this term.
Diary entries have been our writing focus and we learnt that we need to put the date and then “Dear Diary”. Our success criteria was to use”I” and wow words to describe our feelings. We were pretending to be Katie Morag and what we did and how we felt in the story of Tiresome Ted. There were some great diary entries and I think we all remembered to use “I”!
In Maths we have continued with subtraction, with some of us taking on the challenge of the “hot” questions. The children will explain.
We have been painting and are beginning to assemble the people of the Isle of Struay, as well as the buildings and a map of the island. These are for our display with P2A.
Look forward to seeing you all next Friday for the Christmas Fair. We’re sure that you’ll love what we have made and want to spend your money.             




Model making in Free Play and learning our Numbers in French with a bit oops dancing thrown in.

From P2B and Mrs. Burton

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