P1 really enjoyed their Halloween themes this week. Mrs Gordon made a Halloween tray to explore. We all enjoyed making witch craft and potions . This helped us learn about colour mixing. We even wrote a spooky sentence using one of our new tricky words “The red bat”. Our Halloween party on Tuesday was a lot of fun and T won the best girl costume with her fabulous spiky costume.
In numeracy we continued to work on addition, this week we added in the symbols + and = and started to write some number sentences, eg 2+1=3. We also did some work on time and focused on days of the week. We have a few songs to help us and will need lots of practice to remember which day comes where….
In literacy we learned 2 more sounds “u” and “b”, we also started our common or tricky words, we learned all about I, the and to. We need to practice these a lot so we can read them and remember how to write them.
In HWB we thought about what makes a good friend and made our own potion with ingredients like kindess, respect etc …..they are a lot like our values….
In French we added rose (pink) and violet (purple) to our colour repertoire, and can now sing a rainbow (literally) in French.
In PE we were working on balance, we learnt that it is quite tricky to balance a beanbag and bounce a ball when you are doing a balance.
Happy weekend, Mrs Gordon and P1a