P6B Maths week and Christmas cards!?!

This week was Maths week. We worked in groups to solve five tricky Maths problems based on news articles and then made up our own problems. We did some revision on decimals, rounding, fractions and place value. We also learned how to use protractors and we wrote some definitions for all the different angles.

We spent some time with our P2 pals and we helped them research one fact about a woodland creature and wrote them down or to change the font to write their names.

This week in PE we practiced our ball skills while throwing and catching basketballs with partners

We made maps of Springfield and the school and coloured them in bright colours. We also did some topic work on the rivers we had been given to research.

In reading we did comprehension and reading.

In French we learned how to say the alphabet and did a sheet on it.

In Music we listened to the song we recorded the week before and evaluated it before playing a rhythm game.

We have also designed Christmas cards and begun to design the Book Challenge display board for the library which will be used to keep track of how many books we have all read this year. The login to record books online is https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=oyzTzM4Wj0KVQTctawUZKR-Dl-1GHsVKvmaSsUcIHCtUREQ3OE1FV0NDSDBISThZOVBPRzA5T1lWOS4u

Enjoy the long weekend!

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