P3B Place value, Painting and Parlez-vous français?

As its ‘Maths Week Scotland’, I thought I’d share some pictures of numeracy  in P3B this week.  We are continuing to work on place value, using our knowledge of thousands, hundreds, tens and units to order numbers, find the numbers before, after and between.  The tricky part was when we crossed a barrier, e.g., ‘What is the number after 699?’ or ‘What 2 numbers are between 398 and 401?’  Through lots of practice and playing with place value on the smartboard, netbooks, our ice cream stack game and place value dominoes we’re really getting the hang of it.

On Thursday, we extended our learning on Symmetry.  We listened carefully to the demonstration on how to find all the lines of symmetry and joined in explaining to others, using the examples on the smartboard.  We used a text book for this lesson.  Maths text books are relatively new to us and we are working hard to learn how to lay out our answers, numbering them and making sure there is only one number in each box of our squared jotters.  We used mirrors again to check that our thoughts on the number of lines of symmetry  were correct.

We had a lot of fun on Wednesday learning some new French words that we can use in the classroom, some of them might be good for mums and dads too!   You could try:  ecoutez  – listen, regardez – look, asseyez-vous  sit down, levez-vous – stand up.  We also played a version of ‘Simon Says’ called ‘Jacques a dit’. Mrs Kennedy is trying to remember to tell us to line in French at break and lunch – Mettez-vous en ligne, s’il vous plait?

In literacy, we have been working on our Literature Circle skills – trying out the role of ‘Questioner.’  We wrote a question beginning with each of the words – who, what, where, when and why, about The BFG.  We then asked a partner to answer our questions and began discuss the book further.

We have begun work on a big BFG wall display for just outside our classroom, today we used water colours to paint dream jars to be used as templates for us to write our own special dreams on.  We will work on the writing next week, using our imaginations to create dreams we’d really like to have.  We will also be looking at interesting sentence openers and joining words.

We introduced ‘The Incredible 5 Point Scale’ this week.  This helps us to think about how we are feeling and to use strategies to help us to feel better.  We also know to ask for help when we need it.

What a quick four weeks since we returned from the summer break, it has been a fantastic four weeks and everyone has settled in really well, P3B are the hardest working class in the school too. (I may be a little biased)  🙂

Have a good long weekend.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy

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