I am always delighted by the progress of our P1 pupils in their first term of school and this year’s children are no exception. When we access progress in the the early years, we look at child development markers as well as curriculum benchmarks. Already, our P1 children are developing in all areas through their play experiences and small group teaching. They have learned at least five sounds so far and are beginning to make three letter words. Reading books have been given out and the Oxford Reading Tree stories much enjoyed by all.
Here are two lovely little P2 girls, who came along to show me their amazing writing this week. They had both made and written their own books entitled ‘The Bossy Cat’ and ‘The Lost Fairy’! I was so impressed and delighted to see their progress. Their progress is indicative of the work carried out last year when they were in P1.
Thank you to both of our P1 teachers for their superb efforts last year to get our P2 children to this stage.
Miss Baillie xx💫💖