Springfield and Bonnytoun News…

The second week of term has flown by with children enjoying their new classrooms and teachers.  Our assembly today was on the Well-being Indicator of ‘being safe’ and all children learned how to keep safe on roads, when out in public and when near fire, water and electricity. We also talked about keeping safe online.

School News:

We have been thinking about how to make homework consistent across school and also, so that it provides a more flexible home learning experience for children and families. Your child will now complete reading and spelling tasks weekly but will be given the whole term to complete a variety of other tasks. You will  receive home learning for this term, next week, and in an easy to follow grid format. We hope that you like it. Please give us your feedback as usual. In early years, it is really important that children are learning sounds and reading each evening if this is possible.

We will be launching a new school website in the next few weeks. Our blog will still stand and will feed into this, as will our Twitter account and school app. The website is a council requirement and it is designed to give an overview of our school as well as to provide links to documents and policies. We will give you more information on this when the website is ready to launch.

Here is a picture of some of our certificate winners from assembly today.

Get well soon to Victor our nursery guinea pig!  He has been staying at Mrs T’s house for the past couple of weeks as he has been poorly and has had many trips to the vet. 😢We hope that he is on the mend and back in nursery soon. Again, we will keep you posted of his progress. Thank you to Mrs T and her family for taking such good care of him.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,


Miss Baillie xx💫💖

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