P4/5 Week commencing 27th August 2018

We have got off to a “tiggerrific” start in P4/5 and everyone has been working very hard.  This week we have won the “peg challenge” for showing that we can quickly line up in a quality line and move around the school quietly.

In writing we have written an adventure story about one of the toys in the classroom called Patch and been working on up-levelling our writing to make it more exciting.

In ICT we completed our wellbeing survey and discussed how we were feeling about being in our new class.  Everyone said they were enjoying themselves and having fun!

We have made lovely postcards to show all the interesting places we went to on our holidays and shared some of our adventures with the class during circle time.

We have also been looking at the importance of having a “growth mind-set” and made posters for display in the classroom.  We discovered that Tigger likes to say, “Don’t say no, give it a go!”

We have been working hard on our Class Charter and agreed all the class rules and responsibilities.  We have also looked at how they link to the Springfield School values and Rights Respecting Schools.  Our fantastic display for the classroom is almost complete.

We have also made jigsaw pieces to represent all the skills we need to work towards learning which will assist us in the world of work.

We have also been playing the game “fly around the world” to practice our mental maths skills and have been looking at symmetry.

In addition to this we have have started reading our new class novel entitled “School Ship Tobermory” by Alexander McCall Smith.

By Mr Ritchie and all of P4/5

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