Our first week in P3A!

Welcome to our first blog post in P3A! We have had a busy week back at school and have worked very hard and settled in well. This year we are the eldest children in the infant area and we have been trying really hard to be good role models. Miss Harrison has been extremely impressed with us and we won the Peg Challenge on Friday for our excellent behaviour in the corridor.

On Tuesday we looked at our school values. We played a game similar to ‘Simon Says’ where Miss Harrison called out the different values and we had to perform the actions. We were very confident with our values and Miss Harrison couldn’t get us out! We discussed how we could display each value in school and then we worked in groups to make posters about each value. They look fantastic up on our school values wall. We made sure that they were attractive to our readers by making them eye-catching, clear and neat.

This week we also discussed what makes a good P3 pupil and teacher. We worked in groups to write down some ideas and then we shared these ideas with our whole class. Miss Harrison typed them up and displayed them beside our behaviour traffic lights. We would like Miss Harrison to be intelligent, fun, kind, helpful and buy some Star Wars books for our classroom!

This week we started our new class novel for this term, ‘James and the Giant Peach’. On Tuesday afternoon we decided to give our reading area a ‘James and the Giant Peach’ theme so we worked in groups to draw the outlines of the main characters and then we used different media to add colour. Later in the week, Miss Harrison read us some more chapters and we discussed with our learning partners what we thought might happen next to the main characters. We used our visualising skills to draw our predictions. We included lots of detail and used information from the text to help with our drawings of the main characters. On Friday we revised what we already know about adjectives. We used our knowledge of adjectives to identify words that Roald Dahl used to describe the insects in James and the Giant Peach. We highlighted the adjectives in the chapter and we discussed why authors use adjectives in texts.

On Wednesday we had Mrs Tulloch for Science/STEM and then Mrs Reid for PE. This will be the same each week. This term we are learning about sun and moon changes with Mrs Tulloch. As well as having Mrs Reid on a Wednesday, we also have PE with Miss Harrison on a Thursday afternoon. Miss Harrison will be taking us for benchball as we have a P3 Benchball competition in November. On Thursday we practised our throwing, catching and passing skills and set ourselves time challenges to see how many passes we could make with our partner in the time set. We looked at making three passes before you could score and then we played some benchball games.

On Thursday we revised our addition, subtraction and multiplication skills. We played a game on Education City where we had to select the correct operation for each sum. We then played a game called ‘Inverse Machines’ and made our own inverse machines for our Numeracy display.

On Thursday, we looked at children’s rights. We watched a video about children’s rights and discussed which rights we have at school. In our groups, we looked at the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and highlighted which rights were applicable to school. We shared our ideas with our whole class and we have displayed these rights on our Class Charter.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend!

P3A and Miss Harrison 🙂

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