Wow! What a great year and the quickest yet, although maybe I say that every year!
P1B ended the year as they began – by working hard. We worked right up until the last day and the children’s enthusiasm for learning never waned. On a serious note, we have had a mini project on Internet Safety over the past couple of weeks, where we learned never to give any personal information over the internet and if anyone is unkind to us on the internet we must tell an adult straight away. Although they may seem a little young, and are most likely not communicating with anyone on the internet yet, it is best that they are informed so they fully understand the message when the time comes. These lessons are a Government initiative, they are aimed at young children and are a lot of fun. You can find out more on this website if you wish: We watched the first episode and looked at the Lee and Kim section.
We also did a little bit of work on our handwriting. Sometimes we can get the letters around the wrong way – especially b and d and i and j. We tried some activities to help us to remember the correct direction of the letters.
A, R and C sang ‘A Million Dreams’ at ‘Springfield’s Got Talent’ they did really well and got great feedback from the judges Well done girls.
On Thursday we had a lovely Teddy Bear’s picnic with our P7 Buddies. They really have looked after us well this year and this was a great way to spend time together and wish them well. We had our picnic in the shade and them played games together on the pitch.
What a fun year I’ve had, I always learn so much from the children I teach and this year has been no exception, individuals not afraid to do their own thing, their enthusiasm has been inspiring. Have a lovely holiday everyone. Take care.
Mrs Kennedy and P1B X