Primary 2B

Well what a healthy and active week- think the children have really enjoyed it. We have done Cosmic Yoga every morning and some of the children have visited the Healthy Tuck Shop. The children had a golf taster session , as well as a football session learning different skills. They had great fun. We had Sports Day yesterday and the rain held off fortunately. We were all exhausted by the end of the day  but all had a great day. Although the children were disappointed their teacher didn’t take part in the 3 legged race!!!

Today we made smoothies which most liked. We have also done acrostic poems on either Fruit, Vegetables or Healthy Eating. Some super efforts. We have created a class block graph on our favourite vegetables and carrots came out top!! So keep eating those carrots P2B.

We had  a superb talk today from Emma and Campbell’s Dad on Australia with great slides.

We have also worked on adding ‘ing’ to verbs and in Maths ‘Position and Direction’.

So all ready for a rest this weekend!!

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