Thank you to everyone in the school and nursery that supported the JRSO’s Cycle Recycle and Dr Bike session this week.
We received seven bikes and stabilisers for the Cycle Recycle which have been taken away by West Lothian Bike Library to be repaired and then will be brought back to hire out to anyone that could use a bike. Vouchers will be given out tomorrow (Friday). Please check your child’s bag if you donated a bike for a £10 voucher from the bike library. Please email Mrs McAlpine to arrange collection if you did not receive a voucher.
Dr Bike session was to make sure the bikes were safe to use. Twelve bikes were booked in to be checked over and have minor adjustments carried out. A card given to state what action was taken and any further recommended repairs.
If you would like more information please contact the bike library on Tel 07724667321
Kind Regards
Louise McAlpine