Happy Easter from P1B


We continued our odd and even numbers in numeracy this week.  We’ve been taking a little time over this, playing with the numbers in lots of different ways to make sure we are confident at counting in 2s and can tell an even from an odd number.  We are getting very good at it and really like looking at really big numbers to see if they are odd or even.

In PE, we continued with tennis.  We didn’t use the rackets this week, instead we concentrated on our hand-eye co-ordination as we bounced a ball around hall. We then practised some of the movements we need around the court to get to the tennis ball, in particular, moving sideways.  We also did some running and stopping quickly, getting into the ready position.  It was good fun as always and the children are very enthusiastic, many showing good resilience as they try to do things that, at first, may not be easy.

Each class in the infant section of the school has been working on a new text this week.  P1 chose ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ It’s a lovely bright book, with great illustrations and lots of rhyming words. Our literacy focus has been rhyming and adjectives.  We did lots of listening, talking and matching up words that rhyme.  We also wrote some sentences describing the shark in the book.  The children had great suggestions of words to describe him – powerful, fierce, enormous and beautiful were just a few.

We have also begun to create an underwater wall display in the corridor.  We’ve been using lots of different art techniques as we make underwater creatures for the display.  We watched some ‘Blue Planet’ and saw the lovely bright colours that there are under the sea.  We are making our display bright too. Have a peak the next time you are in or pop in at the end of the day.

On Thursday, we went outside into the outdoor classroom where there were lots of eggs hidden!  It was good fun finding them and we counted them afterwards, there were almost 50 eggs!

We have been very busy playing this week too.  Planning, co-operating, socialising, and using our imaginations too.

Have a lovely Easter, from P1B and Mrs Kennedy

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