P7a Weekly Blog


Another busy week in P7a started with more work on information and data handling. To complement the work we have been doing on creating and interpreting graphs we learnt how to draw our own pie charts. We had to use our knowledge of angles and fractions and percentages to help accurately draw the segments. We then moved on to a session on creating and using spreadsheets to make graphs. The children loved using excel to do this, and were very excited to learn how to write formulae, copy formulae and then create and edit graphs. Lots more skills for learning, life and work…


Our focus this week was on the apostrophe. We had some great discussion on when to use “its” and “it’s” and when to use apostrophes in sentences. This is an area that we often see mistakes in, so Mrs Gordon is looking forward to seeing this learning translated into our everyday work. We also took some time to evaluate our work this term by highlighting areas where we were achieving and not achieving our literacy targets in our jotters.

French and Spanish

In French this week we started to look into food and drink so that we can link that with “J’aime” and “Je n’aime pas” from last week, and eventually move onto café role plays. Mrs Gordon gave us a sheet with the words for 12 french foods and we had to work out what they were. We found that when we used our knowledge of French, English and Spanish we could work out these words and make connections in our learning. In Spanish we learnt “los colores” it was great to see that “verde” is very close to “vert” in French, so we knew that was green…


This week was Internet Safety week and on Tuesday we worked with P7b to discuss what to do if we see anything on the internet that upsets us. We had some great discussions around peer pressure, body image, “friending” people you don’t know and inappropriate use of the internet. We all agreed that if we wouldn’t wear it on a t-shirt, then we shouldn’t post it online…

Bon weekend

Mrs Gordon and P7a



3 Replies to “P7a Weekly Blog”

  1. To lily lamby I hope you are coming to grl,s bgad . Oooo say to Izzy hi and l love your dog🐕

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