A reflection of our weeks learning.


We had lots of fun on Tuesday, wandering around the classroom for 2D shapes and identifying their properties. Some of the properties we looked for were; edges, sides, corners, vertexes/points.

In literacy we were focusing on parts of speech, we worked in pairs and were given a sheet with words on it. We cut out each individual word and we had to sort the words into the different parts of speech, e.g. nouns, adjectives, verbs. We were also given a passage, The Terrible Twos, and we identified the nouns, adjectives and verbs.

We finished our diary entries, and we used our planning to help us. We had to focus on the elements of a diary entry and the character’s feelings.

On Wednesday we were learning to visualise nets of closed and open cubes. We cut out the templates (or nets) on squared paper and investigated which faces were opposite each other. We also learnt the properties of a few 3D shapes.

In science we designed and created our own quiz boards in partners. We had to use paper fasteners, crocodile clips, and bare wires to make our game for the P2’s work.

We went to the Primary 2’s and we helped them research woodland creatures. Once we found out some facts about the creatures, we helped them write the facts into their jotters.

On Thursday we went to music with Miss Bain. She taught us a Halloween song which we accompanied with instruments.

We also researched the Amazon River and we wrote down at least ten facts. Using that information, we compared the River Forth to the Amazon.

We were studying the properties of 3D shapes, so we were shown a 3D shape and we had to name and then identify how many vertices, edges and sides were on it.

On Friday we listened to Wonder then we did a proofreading and editing task. After, we listened to Miss Bailie’s healthy lifestyle assembly. We also reflected on our week.


Thank you for reading – Joseph Moon

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