This week we learned two new sounds, ‘i’ and ‘s’. We used our magnetic boards to build words, made our sounds with play dough, wrote our sounds in salt, played games on the smartboard, made our sounds with stones and drew and wrote our sounds on a graffiti wall. On Thursday afternoon, we went outside with some chalk to practise our letter and number formation in the playground.
We have been continuing to work hard with our number formation. This week we looked at the numbers ‘7’ and ‘8’. We used spaghetti, jewels and cubes to make the number 7 and we used ropes and cars to make the number 8. We practised writing our numbers in our workbooks and on the whiteboards.
On Tuesday we went outside for PE to develop our ball skills. We played a game called Aeroplanes and Helicopters and then we began to perform movement skills in a sequence. We used the balls to learn how to throw and catch in different ways.
This week we have been continuing to look at the differences between Kenya and Scotland. Mrs King, Mr Campbell and Mr & Mrs Foster sent us photographs of different African animals which we enjoyed looking at. We have been working well in pairs and in small groups to make African animals for our African Surprise display. We wanted the monkey to swing from the trees so we worked in pairs to create the leaves for the tree tops. We have been using a variety of materials to make our display and we are very proud of it.
Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.
P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂