This Week
This week we welcomed back our newest batch of P7s for session 2017/2018, and what a great first week it has been! All of our pupils have settled quickly into P7 and set a themselves high standards for the coming year. They have been engaged and motivated throughout the week and taken on board what the expectations of our P7s are.
Every pupil has been working closely with their new P1 Buddy this week at both breaks and lunchtimes to help them settle in to school life. Mrs. Gordon and I have been incredibly impressed with the care and kindness demonstrated by both classes, making what is a nerve wracking experience for our younger pupils that bit easier. Thank you to all of you for your dedication to this!
In the classroom, we have been getting things up and running whilst getting to know each other. P7b have been designing a tie in our competition where Mr. Wells will choose one winner to have their tie made for every P7. If we manage to wear our shirt and tie from Monday – Thursday, the reward on a Friday will be to wear their hoodies (more information and order forms to follow). Both classes have also created a Time Capsule which will be opened on the last day of term. We have included a letter to our future selves, a piece of string that represents our current height, a profile page about ourselves and a copy of this week’s Gazette. It will be interesting to see how much P7 have changed by the end of the year.
Finally, P7b have created their Emoji Class Charter listing the articles and rights from the UNCRC that will be respected within class at all times. We have also decided upon our class privileges available to us if we manage to reach a total of 300, 400 or 500 Dojo points each week. If the first week is anything to go by, these privileges will be a regular event.
Coming Up in P7b
- Orienteering sessions in P7
- P7b Class Assembly on Friday 15th September
- Holiday on Monday 18th September
- Risk Factory trip on Thursday 21st September, EE2 forms to be sent out and parental help required
- Parents’ Evenings on Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th October
- October holidays from Monday 16th to Monday 23rd October
- Poppy Factory trip on Thursday 26th October
- Skiing block (4 weeks) begins on Thursday 30th November
Have a restful weekend
P7b and Mr. Logan