Rain, rain go away, come again another day!

In IDL were learning about different types of housing and how they meet the needs of the people who live there. We then used our knowledge to design a house for Biff the dog. We had to think about Biff’s needs and use our imagination to come up with some creative ideas. Some houses had a bone room, a ballet studio because Biff loves to dance, sparkly disco lights, flowers and even a welcome mat. The houses were very colourful and were all different shapes and sizes.

For homework, Miss Mudd set us a challenge to make a model of our house. We could use whatever we wanted to make our models and she was blown away by the effort and imagination that had been put in by children and parents. A HUGE well done to everyone for some amazing models.

In Literacy we were learning about the au digraph. We created our own dinosaurs and wrote sentences with adjectives to describe them.

We worked around lots of different phonics stations to practise all of the sounds we had learnt. We showed great resilience when faced with our daily phonics problems and worked together to try and work out the answers. We have been consolidating all of the learning from this term and practising using all of our tricky digraphs. We carried on writing our stories and also designed a front cover for our book. We looked at the front covers of other books and discussed what we liked and disliked. We thought of an exciting title for our stories and made our covers bright and attractive.


In Maths some of us were learning about fractions. We learnt how to find halves and quarters of different shapes. We had great fun making up pizzas and using the challenge cards to practise our fractions. For example, we had to make a pizza that was half tomato, a quarter cheese and a quarter pepper.


Some of us were learning about division and sharing. We practised sharing out different items equally and learnt how to write the division sign. On Thursday we were all learning about capacity. We enjoyed filling different containers and using our estimating skills to guess how much they could hold.

We had a special visitor for PE this week. Mr Stewart came to do some ‘Better Movers, Better Thinkers’ activities with us. We had great fun developing our ball skills and he really challenged us. We were using both sides of our brain and it made us really think hard.

Miss Mudd put some new challenge cards in Paddington’s Challenge area. We had to try and hold difference balances. We were exploring all of the different things that our bodies can do. We realised that we are all very different and our bodies are very different. Some of us could roll our tongues and some of us could touch our noses with our tongue!

This week we also had a fantastic visit from the Dogs Trust. We learnt how to take care of a dog and looked at how the Dogs Trust help find homes for new dogs. A big thank you to Rachel for coming to speak to us.

A huge well done to Emily for winning Gold at a Judo competition. We love hearing about all of our achievements outside school. The class were very proud of her.


Have a lovely weekend.


Miss Mudd and Primary 1/2


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