‘Learning is an experience. Everything else is just information’ (Albert Einstein)

No better way to start the week, than with a trip to Linlithgow Palace. We were fortunate enough that the weather was kind and the rain stayed away. We had a very informative tour around the Palace, a big thank you must go to the Primary 7s of Linlithgow Primary for taking us on our tour, not only were they well informed but they made our tour very fun with some added humour.

Another lovely surprise was a visit from Dog’s trust. We learnt so much about how important it is to be responsible when deciding to have a dog. We had a look and discussed different case studies that Dog’s Trust have had to deal with. We had a chance to learn how best to groom a dog and the importance of micro chipping your dog. Adam had a go to find the micro chip in one of the play dogs that were brought. Ambra was very brave as she demonstrated the best and most hygienic way to pick up dog fouling.

We continued with measure this week. We used objects around the classroom to measure.Ā  Using a ruler, we calculated quarter meters, which items are longer or shorter than a quarter meter. There were a few blocked noses as we had to take of our shoes and measure them too…thank goodness for windows!!

In Literacy this week we recapped Parts of Speech. We worked in groups to sort words into the correct Part of Speech. Each group was then given a part of speech, the group had to write a poem on the definition of their Part of Speech. After discussing the different Parts of Speech, we realised how important that theses words are used correctly in our writing, and when used correctly, they can bring our stories to life.Ā  We looking forward to listening to the Parts of Speech next week.

We had had a lot of fun learning new skills during our Futsal lessons. Next week will be our final week, we are really looking forward to finishing the sessions with a Futsal game, really using the skills that we have learnt to the test. In PE we had a bit of fun on the space hoppers. We held a space hopper relay race, although it was fun, we learnt one important lesson. No mater how big you are for your space hopper, or how slow you bounce, keep on smiling and never give up.

Working really hard over the last couple of weeks, planning the perfect holiday to Linlithgow, we designed a Linlithgow Olympic leaflet.Ā  Our leaflets contained all the important information about Linlithgow, places to visit, things to do, and the dos and don’ts of Linlithgow, some fantastic creative leaflets designed by the children, the work and thought the children put into their designs really shows a great appreciation and knowledge of their local community- Well done P5B!

Lastly, a big well done to Max who took part in the Edinburgh running festival a few weekends a go! Max brought his medal along to class and shared his experience with the class.

Well done to P5B for winning this weeks peg challenge – Mrs Matos is super proud of everyone!!

P5B and Mrs Matos

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