What a wonderful, sunny week we have had! When the weather is so good, no one wants to be indoors, so we take our learning outside!

This weeks guided reading we went in our groups outside. We read to each other and shared our thoughts about the story. We also gave each other feedback on how we read. We commented on our fluency, tone, pace and expression.  We worked together and used chalk to draw a new version of the front cover of our books!

In literacy this week we concentrated on sentence writing and ways in which we can improve our writing, by making sure, we use a variety of words, the words have been used and spelt correctly, capitals letters and punctuation are used. We joined  P5A, in pairs we went outside and using chalk we wrote  some sentences, we had to compete against each other. We got points for correct use and spelling of words, capital letters and punctuation.  It was really good fun being outside and thinking of sentences that helped reinforce what we know.

In Numeracy we have been learning about decimals. We  worked together with a partner to match decimals to fractions, convert fractions to decimal and writing decimals on a number line. We have also been learning about sorting and comparing decimals and lastly adding and subtracting decimals, so a busy week of all things decimals. But we have done fantastic and Mrs Matos is very impressed with how well we have worked together to make sure that everyone understands.

We have been very busy this week being travel agents. We have used the netbooks to research different travel agencies and have had  a closer look at their logos. We  chose three names for our travel agency and our peers got to vote for which they thought sounded the best. We also had a chance to be creative and design our own logo.

P5B really do have very special boys and girls, all who have hearts of gold.  A couple of weeks ago you  may remember Beinn, Gabriella and Andrew raised money for Callum’s Cabin. While Beinn is doing that little bit extra. Together with is family, Beinn will be packing bags at Tesco to raise some money to give to Callum’s Cabin.  Well done Beinn, we are all very proud of you and you can be very proud of yourself!

P5B and Mrs Matos


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