Celebrating achievements in P5B!

There is nothing better than hearing stories of children achieving. It is even better when the boys and boys are excited and enthusiastic about sharing their achievements. This week, Emily brought along some of her dance exams certificates that she received in a recent  exam. Emily took some time to share with the class what all was involved in the exam and what each certificate and medal represented. Well done Emily! Anna and Louise both attend the Linlithgow Girls Brigade. They brought along their arm bands that holds every badge they have achieved. They girls spoke enthusiastically and confidently to the class and explained what they had achieved each badge for. Thank you Anna and Louise, well done for all your efforts. Lastly, how many books have you read this week, or last month, or even over the last year? Maybe 5 books? Maybe 10? Well, can you beat Evie Melvin who took part in the First Minister’s reading challenge and has read over 80 books so far! Evie was awarded a certificate and a lovely new book for all her reading effort. Well done Evie, let’s see if you can catch up to Evie, get reading!

Sometimes we forget to always be grateful for being healthy, and we forget that some people have terminal illness. Emily Calabrese has suffered from Coeliac disease since she was a tiny little girl. As last week was Coeliac awareness week, Emily shared her story and experience of having Coeliac disease. Emily spoke confidently to the class sharing her story and experiences, she  also presented her talk with a very informative PowerPoint. To top off all her hard work and to make sure she got her message across, she had prepared some worksheets for the class to complete. The class enjoyed Emily’s talk and worksheets, they were all hanging onto every word Emily spoke and really enjoyed completing the worksheets and food table worksheets. Mrs Matos was very proud of Emily for having such great confidence, Well done Emily, you are a super star!!

In numeracy this week we have continued with Number Talks. Mrs Matos is very proud of all the boys and girls in P5B. Everyone is beginning to show so much confidence now when taking part in Number talks. The children are really beginning to use and discuss a range of strategies. We have been continuing learning about fractions, we focused this week on finding the  common denominator and we have also been ordering and comparing fractions. We have worked together in pairs to make sure that we both understand what we are doing. Sometimes learning from our peers helps to reinforce our learning. We all show good understanding and Mrs Matos thinks that next week we will be ready to tackle decimals.

In literacy our  spelling pattern was words ending in ‘ck’. We read a funny story about friendly ‘c’ and kind ‘k’, the story helped us to learn the spelling rule, which we will be able to apply in our writing. Speaking of writing, we have begun to write a short story about being chosen to be a torchbearer at the Olympics. We watched a few short clips on the history of the flame,  the clip we watched helped us to understand the feelings that the torchbearers must feel. We going to make sure that our story is going to make the reader really understand the feelings we felt when being chosen as a torchbearer. We going to extend our writing by using adjectives and synonyms, by using descriptive words we going to capture the reader and using synonyms will help us to extend our vocabulary. Watch this space, as we have authors in the making.

We have continued to play the magical game Quidditch. It was an exciting game this week as we got to use ‘broomsticks’ watch out for our photos, they should be ‘flying’ in shortly.

We have had a very successful week in P5B this week and Mrs Matos is proud of each one of us, to her we are all super stars!

P5B and Mrs Matos


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