Over the last two weeks, we have been learning to read analogue and digital o’clock times. We have been linking our daily routines to o’clock times and we know that we go for lunch at 12 o’clock!
We have also started to look at subtraction to 10 and have been learning to use different strategies to subtract. Our activities Subtraction Bowling and Subtraction Smash have been very popular! We were excited to use our new subtraction workbooks and we have been working very hard to subtract from numbers to 10.
Last week, we learned two new sounds, ‘igh’ and ‘-y’. We looked at how to form these sounds and we were able to write different words featuring these sounds on our whiteboards. Using our sounds to read, we were able to work out which words were nonsense words and which words were real words. We also used magnifying glasses to hunt for ‘igh’ and ‘-y’ words and used ‘igh’ light bulbs and initial sound light bulbs to make words.
This week we have been revising all of our common words. Did you know that we have learned 54 common words so far?! We have been looking for common words in our reading books, have been matching common words, making common words on our magnetic boards, playing common word games in the playground and using our common words to write sentences. No wonder we are tired!
Last week, Mr Fluff went on another adventure! This time he had been on a yacht so we decided to help him learn about water transport. We worked in groups to draw and write all of the types of transport that we knew that went on water and then we looked at a powerpoint on the smartboard to compare our results. We learned about the history of boats and looked at why we use different types of boats today.
Daniel made a fantastic kite at home and brought it in to class to show us!
We have been continuing to develop our movement skills such as throwing, catching, balancing and jumping and we have also enjoyed gym with our PE teacher, Mrs Reid.
Finally, we have a few achievements to share with our readers. Firstly, we won the peg challenge again today! Well done to Carla, Eva and Sophia who won medals at the Linlithgow Gymnastics Show. The girls said that they had to perform a gymnastics routine and practise lots! Well done to Kerr for winning a medal at Enjoy-a-Ball and for achieving his Grade 6 white/purple belt at Tae Kwon Do.
Thank you very much for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.
P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂
Well done P1A! Being able to read and spell 54 common words is amazing!