Week 7 in P4a

This week in P4a we have been learning how to create bar graphs from the data we collected last week, all about our favourite weather. The graphs are now on display in our classroom. We also answered questions  about the information we collected.

We looked at compass points and worked out which direction north is in our classroom (it is towards the windows!) We used an atlas to find different places in the world using the index page, coordinates and grid references. We played games using North, South, East and West but in French (please ask us what these words are).

In French we learned about colours and then used this knowledge to play corners games during PE. We also had to move in a variety of ways, using different parts of our bodies- the best one was when we all had to be French Beans 🙂

In Big Writing we wrote our imaginative stories using our planning from last week. Then we peer and self assessed these using two stars and a wish.

Finally, giants have started to appear in our classroom- not sure how that has happened as we are supposed to be a giant free zone! If you happen to work out how they are getting in please let us know.

See you all at parents night next week- assuming the giants don’t eat us all first.

P4a and Mrs Newton

2 Replies to “Week 7 in P4a”

  1. Great to hear all the fun things P4a have been doing in class. Alex came home tonight asking if we had a compass and loved using Google Earth at the weekend.

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