Smarter Ways to Travel to School

Give Everyone Space!

A new campaign is being launched week commencing 9th May.  The campaign is aimed at vehicle drivers, asking them to give everyone cycling space on the road, as much space as you would give a car. Further information can be found here:

Cycle Friendly

Springfield Primary School are the first cycle friendly school in West Lothian! We are very proud!

cycle friendly

Walk to School Week 16th – 20th May

Living Streets run a national Walk to School Week annually, this year on 16th to 20th May. Classroom resources for a structured 5 day challenge are available for both primary and secondary schools. On Tuesday 17th May, Happy Shoesday, schools are invited children, teachers and staff to wear their happiest shoes to school and donate £1 to Living Streets, a registered charity promoting walking and safer pedestrian environments.


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