
Story Time For Nursery

Story Time for Nursery  Jack Frost


Hello boys and girls,

I hope you are all keeping busy and enjoying the different activities the nursery staff have been putting on your learners journals.  I have made a video of the story of Jack Frost helped by my lovely granddaughter Sorsha we hope you enjoy it. Stay safe and we will all be together again soon.  Click on the link to hear the story.

Mrs Galloway

Virtual Assembly Friday 22nd May 2020

Good afternoon everyone

Please find the link to this week’s online assembly.

We hope you enjoy watching.

Don’t forget to tweet us with photos and videos of you joining in, as well as your responses to our challenges.

We look forward to seeing what you all share.


Good Morning Primary 1!

We are so impressed to see all the learning and play you are doing at home. We have been enjoying seeing your messages and pictures on the blog or Twitter and hope to see many more.


Before we finished we had been learning about procedural writing. We used sequencing words – First, Next, Then and Finally to write sentences to help others wash their hands in the correct order.

So before we start our writing the first thing we need you to do is complete an Easter Project this can be either making a chocolate nest cake  or designing an Easter card or painting an Easter egg.

Then we need you to write instructions for people to follow to help them recreate your Easter Project.

Remember to Include a title that matches your activity e.g. Make a Easter Cake , Painting a Patterned Egg or Making a Bunny Card.

You will also need to include a list of what Ingredients or materials are required.

Then write or cut and stick your instructions for someone to follow to recreate your project.  If you feel it would be too much for your child to write all the sentences you can write the instructions on bits of paper, cut them up and get them to stick in the correct order  e.g. write each of the following words on separate pieces of paper – chocolate. melt the First – Children would then order this – First melt the chocolate.

Children should be encouraged to read and write words they know and then use their sounding out skills to help with other words. Sentence punctuation can also help determine the order of the sentence and clues such as “Where would we find the capital letter?”or “Where would we find the full stop?” will help your child.

Remember to include capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in your instructions but most of all remember to have FUN!

Finally post lots of pictures for your Primary 1 teachers to see.


We are aware that these activities might be challenging to do in the current situation so should you not have access to the required materials then please complete one of the writing tasks from the writing grid in your child’s home learning pack. You can find a copy of the grid below.

Primary 1 Writing Planner