National Poetry Day

Thursday was National poetry day, At nursery the children have been listening and practicing a small poem all about autumn. The children enjoyed listening to this and managed to pick up a few lines which they could then repeat independently, This has prompted discussion amongst the children about autumn and how the leaves are beginning to fall off the trees, We discussed with the children about collecting some autumn leaves and bringing them into nursery. Below is our small poem, maybe you could repeat this at home too!

Autumn Winds

Autumn winds begin to blow,

Colored leaves fall fast and slow,

Whirling, twirling all around,

Till at last they reach the ground.




We have been continuing with our mini beast spotting using our clipboards in the garden to see what bugs we can find in our outdoor space.

Next week is our parents evening, remember to go on and book a slot if you haven’t already!

Snack money is due for this term, Please remember to pay this next week!

Job Applications

LI: I am learning to describe the skills that I have and say why I would be good at a school role.

What kind of skills do we need for the different roles and responsibilities throughout the school?

Ella – You need to be able to spot all the things that are matched to that job (e.g fairtrade symbol)

Shaun – Writing skills – lists and posters

Lucy – you need to be honest and kind

Rebecca – you would need courage, respect, honesty and also you would need to be a good person to the environment if you are going to be eco.

Alex – you would need number skills – you might need to add and take away

Alyssa – you would need to know how to read

Agata – you would need to helpful and friendly

Kostas –  road safety team need to know how to use the traffic lights and crossing to be safe

Eilidh – you should have kind hands and share kind words

Chloe – you need to be honest so that you can ahre truthful ideas and you should be helpful

Ted – listening and follow instructions

Ruairidh – you need to know which rubbish can be recycled for Eco.

Zoe – be kind to other people

Effie – you need to be kind, honest , helpful , friendly and show respect

European Day of Languages.

Wednesday was European Language Day. Throughout the week the children have been learning how to say a some words in Spanish. A few of the children were able to do this independently which is very encouraging. We watched a short video of Dora the Explorer and were all soon saying Hello Hola, Goodbye Adios and thank you Gracias.  This has prompted the children to discuss their holidays and share their experiences.

The boys and girls have also been exploring printing with large and small lego bricks.  Some of their beautiful creations are on display beside the art area.

We have continued with our Mini Beast spotting and have enjoyed turning over logs and stones to see what we could find and tick on our spotting sheet. Whilst doing this the children have also been keeping the garden tidy and putting all the wind swept rubbish into the bin well done.


Please have a look at our New Planning Wall inside the main nursery room situated beside the desk.

May we please ask if you could check your child has a full change of clothes in their nursery bag as we have had to do a number of changes due to messy play and also due to the changing weather thank you.


A variety of learning in P7/6

Over the past two weeks in P7/6 we have engaged in a wide variety of learning activities.  Some of our learning is detailed below along with suggestions as to how to promote and support further learning at home.


P7 have been focusing on multiplication strategies – with a particular emphasis on decoding word problems and applying the strategy that suits them best.

P6 have been learning and applying a variety of different addition strategies.

Asking your child to demonstrate and explain the differnt strategies and which one they find most useful is a simple activity to deepen understanding.


We continue to enjoy our class novel “My Story:The Road to War” and have been using this as a stimulus to explore a variety of comprehension skills.  Children have been demonstrating their understanding of the novel to make predicitionsvisualise particular scenes and characters and create adverts to promote something within the novel.  We have also been developing the skills of deduction and inference based on both the novel and a selection of interesting images.

In writing we have been exploring the features of a balanced argument and have been applying our understanding to act out some examples.

Try asking you child to explain the meaning of the underlined terms and apply these skills using a photo or text at home.  Can they also describe the difference between an argument and a balanced argument?

Peace and Conflict

As we continue to explore our whole school focus on Peace and Conflict, children have been learning about the experiences of World War One soldiers in the trenches and creating timelines of the key events for the duration of the war.

This week we have began to carry out group research projects, working with our peers in the other P7 classes, to deliver presentations on key inspirational figures from the war.

Who has your child chosen to research?  Why do they feel that person is inspirational? Are you able to help them gather useful information? 

Health and Wellbeing

We have begun to explore Internet Safety as a class, with children considering the difference between appearance and personality and discussing which they think is the more important of the two.

Our initial focus has been on builidng confidence and self-esteem, with all children selecting at lease one thing about their own personality that they really like.  Which feature did your child choose?


All children have now been added to Teams which can be accessed via their Microsoft Glow accounts.  I will be demonstrating this to children in class next week and adding useful resources under headings of the different curricular areas to support the children’s learning at home.  Home Learning activities will also be added for reference.

Try exploring this feature at home with your child by logging on to Glow.  Children can add a message to the conversation to let me know they’ve successfully logged on.

Primary 5B’s learning the week

Literacy – We have been exploring different ways to create an interesting, eye catching news headline. We looked at using puns (homophones), alliteration, rhyme and a play on words/letters. Why not have a look for some super headlines to share with the class next week.

Numeracy – We have been looking at how a number can be made and partitioned using different resources. Why not ask an adult to give you a number and try to partition it using some of the ideas we have discussed.

IDL (Topic) – this week we talked about the terms prejudice, discrimination and human rights. We have learned what each of these words mean and how they are still things that happen today. Can you think of a way we can reduce or prevent these things from happening?

Mini Beast and where to find them!

The children are still showing lots interest in the frogs they discovered down the outside drains. They have been feeding them dried Mealworms and leaves to help them grow. This has led on to the start of our first floor book.


Due to the rain there are lots of worms surfacing outside which the children have had great fun looking for. Too encourage the children to look for other mini beast we have introduced clip boards and a sheet with pictures of mini beasts that they can tick off as they find them.  There are copies of these sheets on our notice board please help yourselves.


The first Play Stay and Learn is Monday 24th September. There are still some places in both sessions if you would like to come and see how your child is developing their own learning through free play and interaction with their peers.

Primary 5B Learning

In primary 5B this week we have been learning:


Place Value – identifying the value of a digit when it is placed in a number.

Money – understanding that money has to be earned and looking at why we need money and how we can earn money.


Reading – continue with reading for enjoyment

Writing – learning how write a lead paragraph for a news article using the 5 question words (5W’s) (perhaps have a look at some articles at home and see if you can spot the 5W’s).

Health & Well-Being:

PE – working as part of a team and controlling the ball using our feet and our eyes to co-ordinate the ball.

Maths week!

Throughout the week the children in nursery have been taking part in a range of different Numeracy activities to celebrate Maths week, We have been challenging the children in a variety of ways throughout the room, the children were counting out the ladybirds onto paper plates matching the correct number (As we have an interest of minibeasts throughout the room), We have also been using our large snakes and ladders game, In the water tray we have practiced pouring and filling using a variety of different sized jugs and containers and we used a variety of shape sorters. A big focus this week has been our apples from our apple tree in the garden, the children picked the apples from the tree and brought them indoors, We held an apple sale at the end of session where the parents could then purchase our apples this then gave the children an opportunity to explore money and amount. The apples that the Children picked were also made into apple crumble which they had an opportunity to taste at group time.




Remember to go to our parent council Facebook page and like and share their page!





































































































































Learning Today…… Leading Tomorrow

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