Primary1- HWB-Rights Respecting Schools

Here are Jack and Ruby helping us to understand our Rights…..

We have the Right to Play

Fair Play – Prompt Cards (1)

Activity- with your child explore the meaning of words ‘fair’ and ‘unfair’ . Then look at the pictures above from the Fair Play PPT – discuss which show a situation that is fair? And which show a situation that is unfair? How do you know this?

Primary 3 Self Care

Good morning, Primary 3! I hope you have been learning lots this week – your teachers have loved hearing from some of you on Twitter and through the comments.

Through our Emotion Works topic, we discussed the idea of regulation strategies to help us manage our emotions if we are feeling scared, upset or down. There is a lot going on right now and we want to make sure we are still prioritising our health and wellbeing. We have created a self care grid with lots of different ideas to help you manage your emotions if you need it, or if you just want a few fun ideas to keep your mind busy! There is no pressure to try them, it is just there to make sure you have a resource if you need some regulation strategies. You can work your way through the grid or do any of the activities as many times as you like! 🙂

Parents and siblings, you are more than welcome to join in with these activities, too!

P3 Self Care grid

Good morning P3C.

Hello P3C. I hope you are all well on this sunny morning. It is lovely to see that some of you have been logging onto Sumdog and IDL to complete the activities. Remember you can also log onto Active Learn and Education City.   On Twitter I have shared details of two Education City webinars. The webinars will be helpful for adults at home who would like to learn more about using Education City.  A daily Number Talk will also be shared on Twitter – @MrsLDee – and I’m looking forward to you sharing your strategies. Best wishes, Mrs Dunsmore

Primary 1 Maths

Good morning Primary 1 we hope you are all doing well and are working as best you can! It has been lovely to see all your hard work on Twitter, please keep the pictures coming!

Continue to log in and use Sumdog and Education City to help you with your learning. I have attached our Maths grid. You can find lots of different activities and ideas.

Position and Movement

Ask your adult to hide your favourite toy in your home or garden. Ask your adult to give you directions to find it using- forwards, backwards, left, right and so on.

Maths- beyond number grid

Please upload any of your work to our Twitter page. Take Care from Your P1 teachers 🙂

IDL – Training

Good Morning everyone,

This morning I took part in an online IDL training – this was designed for parents but it has given me an insight into what the children see from their end. I have taken notes during this meeting – I thought it might be a good idea to share these with you to refer to if you experience any difficulties using the program.

  • Use the IDL website – this has a resource tab which has a parents guide. This guide has links to youtube videos to aid with using the program.
  • You have to use the program through google chrome, other internet servers will freeze and cause some issues.
  • There is a new ipad app- IDL2mobile it has to be the 2.0.3 version
  • If using an older ipad (below 1os 10) it might not work. IDL recommend using a laptop rather than an ipad.
  • You will not be able to use a mobile for idl
  • make sure the microphone is turned on, you wont be able to complete the lesson (particularly in literacy) if this is switched off.
  • If you have headphones please let your child use these. It will help to take the distractions away
  • Any messages from the teacher will pop up on the right hand side of the child’s home screen.
  • If a child has a dyslexic diagnosis and have a preferred background colour to make reading easier – they can change this through the colour tab on the home screen.
  • spelling book tab has 3 learning modules, its not commonly used
  • typing book tab – revision for using the keyboard
  • literacy / numeracy tabs will take the children into their next lesson
  • no need to sit with the child, they can complete this independently.
  • Assistance button can be used during the literacy lessons, you need to make sure this button is switched off, if it is not switched off you will not be able to move to the next lesson
  • if there are any issues with the program freezing / not progressing through a lesson and you have followed all the points made above. It is likely to be a software issue so is best to get in touch with idl themselves.
  • This program incorporates new learning and revision
  • Teacher can see how the child is progressing through the learning, and their time on each day. Parents will not be able to see this.

I hope this helps, I am new to IDL as well and I found this really helpful.

Miss Butler

Expressive Arts – Primary Three

Primary three pupils can continue our drama lessons using this link  –   (this should work with a BBC iplayer account login)
Have a go at the stories we have already used or try a new one! (your adult might want to find the story on youtube first just to remind you what happens).
You could also teach an adult one of the songs/rhymes we have been learning.
  • A Sailor went to sea
  • Fuzzy Wuzzy
  • John Kanakanaka
Nycos are sharing a new song daily on their website if you want to learn some new songs.
My Twitter is Miss Aikman @cara_aikman if you don’t already follow. I would love to see some pictures of your home drama and music lessons (remember not to name your child).

Expressive Arts – Primary One

Primary one pupils can continue our drama lessons using this link  –   (this should work with a BBC iplayer account login)
Have a go at the stories we have already used or try a new one! (your adult might want to find the story on youtube first just to remind you what happens).
You could also teach an adult one of the songs/rhymes we have been learning.
  • Queen, Queen Caroline
  • Cowboy Joe
  • A Sailor went to sea
  • Early in the morning (postman song!!) – you could use a saucepan and wooden spoon instead of a drum for this!
  • Old Mr Woodpecker
My Twitter is Miss Aikman @cara_aikman if you don’t already follow. I would love to see some pictures of your home drama and music lessons (remember not to name your child).

Primary 2/1

SCIENCE with Mrs. Macandrew

Hello everyone! Hope you are all well.

This week we will be looking at Sustainable (Renewable) Energy and Non Sustainable Energy sources.

  1. We have found out about Sound Energy, Energy produced by wind, water, the sun, Nuclear Energy and Energy made from Fossil Fuels.
  2. But which types of Energy are Renewable/Sustainable?
  3. Look at PowerPoint No. 1 “Renewable and Non-renewable resources”
  4. Do the cut & stick activity. RENEWABLE or NOT
  5. Now watch PowerPoint No. 2 about Sustainability.
  6. Can you draw a poster to help people remember to REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE?
  7. Remember to use lovely bright colours and lots of pictures.


  1. RENEWABLE or NOT   
  2. PPT 2 Sustainability-powerpoint questions.
  3. PPT 1 Renewable and non-renewable


Good Morning Primary 1!

We are so impressed to see all the learning and play you are doing at home. We have been enjoying seeing your messages and pictures on the blog or Twitter and hope to see many more.


Before we finished we had been learning about procedural writing. We used sequencing words – First, Next, Then and Finally to write sentences to help others wash their hands in the correct order.

So before we start our writing the first thing we need you to do is complete an Easter Project this can be either making a chocolate nest cake  or designing an Easter card or painting an Easter egg.

Then we need you to write instructions for people to follow to help them recreate your Easter Project.

Remember to Include a title that matches your activity e.g. Make a Easter Cake , Painting a Patterned Egg or Making a Bunny Card.

You will also need to include a list of what Ingredients or materials are required.

Then write or cut and stick your instructions for someone to follow to recreate your project.  If you feel it would be too much for your child to write all the sentences you can write the instructions on bits of paper, cut them up and get them to stick in the correct order  e.g. write each of the following words on separate pieces of paper – chocolate. melt the First – Children would then order this – First melt the chocolate.

Children should be encouraged to read and write words they know and then use their sounding out skills to help with other words. Sentence punctuation can also help determine the order of the sentence and clues such as “Where would we find the capital letter?”or “Where would we find the full stop?” will help your child.

Remember to include capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in your instructions but most of all remember to have FUN!

Finally post lots of pictures for your Primary 1 teachers to see.


We are aware that these activities might be challenging to do in the current situation so should you not have access to the required materials then please complete one of the writing tasks from the writing grid in your child’s home learning pack. You can find a copy of the grid below.

Primary 1 Writing Planner

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