P2A Home Learning Week 4

Good Morning P2A, hope you are all keeping well!

Here is your Home Learning Grid for week 4.
week 4

As usual I will be sharing Number Talk challenges on my Twitter @cetrangolomiss. I have also set new challenges on Sumdog. It is great to see that some of you have completed the assessments I set on Sumdog. If not, please have a go at these before Thursday. Remember to make use of Education City, IDL and Teach your monster to read as these are great online resources to help with learning at home too. Keep sharing your learning on Twitter with me as I love seeing all the learning you are doing at home.

Have a great week P2A. Keep up the hard work, you are all doing amazing! 

P3 Week 4 Home Learning Activities

Good morning P3. We hope you are all well and ready for another week of learning activities. We love to see your fantastic efforts so please share your learning when you can by Tweeting to @missblyth1 and @MrsLDee

The timetable on the grid is meant as a guide.  Remember to just do what you can. There are lots of things you can do around the house that count as learning too, such as helping with laundry, making shopping lists, helping with cooking and cleaning.

P3 Week 4 Home Learning Grid, 

P3 Week 4 Literacy Activities Document

P3 Week 4 Maths Activities Document

P3 Week 4 Numeracy Activities Document

P3 Week 4 RME Science Social Science French Activities Documents

P3 Week 4 Expressive Arts, HWB &; PE Activities Document

If you have any difficulties logging into any of the online learning resources, please ask an adult to email the school office



Best wishes and happy learning, from Miss McGregor, Miss Blyth and Mrs Dunsmore.

P2c Home Learning Grid week 4

Good Morning P2c!

Here is this weeks home learning grid – with lots of fun and challenging activities.

I will be uploading new reading books on active learn today, we only get one book a week – as we would normally get in school. You can do some extra activities with these books too such as:

– a wanted poster for a main character
– create a few questions you may like to ask the main character / author / someone in the story
– use the bloom superhero questions to develop your comprehension skills
– create a new front cover etc

Have a great week p2, you continue to blow my socks off with all your hard work, keep up the great work

Miss Butler


week 4 – click here





I hope you are all managing to do some learning activities suggested to you on the blog and are managing to have some fun at the same time.

Remember there were lots of reading activities and books in your packs, which I’m sure will keep you busy for a long time.

Reading should be for pleasure so remember to ask an adult to read books to you and have a go at reading the words you know too.  Post on Twitter @ReadSPS, your favourite stories. All your teachers love to see what you are reading. It’s great to see the interesting places where you read too, maybe in a den, under the table or in a tent!

Below are some ideas to help you continue to learn to read.

Keep practicing your keywords, you should have lots now in your reading bags. Some activities were added to Education City to help you learn these words. I can see that some of you have tried these activities and have shown great results. How many more children can try these, this coming week?

If you want to look at more reading books, you can also download Oxford Owl and look for their ebooks.  Choose the book best suited to your level of reading.

Suggested books for this week are :









Draw or write about your favourite part of the story.


I have also added a new sound this week. This is quite a tricky sound as it is made up of 3 letters. It lives in the vowel house and it is called a moving sound as it consists of 2 sounds-  igh (a+ee)

Here it is below.

This is how we write this sound.


Can you practise writing it, maybe in rainbow writing or you could use a bucket of water and practise writing it on the pavement outside with a brush. What about using chalk?

Can you read these words with this sound in them.


I’ve also added some reading cards and some worksheets with this sound. These are a real challenge and will keep you busy for weeks.

igh sentences for reading and writing.

3 igh a code breaker

PE Daily Challenge P1-3

Good morning boys and girls, today we have a new challenge for PE. You will need 1 toilet roll (or another household object to replace a ball) and a space big enough to move around.
How creative can you be in the object you choose?
Is there another object that can make the challenge a bit easier or harder?
How many keepy uppys can you do with your object using lots of different parts of your body at one time? Good luck!

PE Challenge P1-P3

Afternoon boys and girls, today I have a challenge for you which focuses on our fine motor skills. It’s about little movements with parts of our body.

To complete the challenge you will need 3 teabags, 1 mug and a space big enough for 5 steps backwards.

How many teabags can you get in the mug from 5 steps away?

If you find it tricky, try stepping forward or using a bowl instead of a mug. If you think you want to make it a bit harder try throwing with the hand you do not write with 😀

Good luck!


P2A Sumdog Assessments

Good Afternoon P2A,

I hope you are all doing well! For those who has not seen the posts on my Twitter account @CetrangoloMiss, I have set a Time assessment, Spelling Assessment and Grammar Assessment on Sumdog to have a go at! For the Spelling Assessment there are two sets- 1a and 1b. Please don’t feel like you must do both sets, set 1a is a bit more challenging.

P1 STEM Task

Hi P1,

You seem to be doing well with the tasks set by all our P1 teachers.  Well done!

Today’s learning is about sources of sound and ways to make sounds. It also includes using our senses and linking hearing/sound together. You can do some of these activities or all of them if you wish. You might want to wait a few days until you collect some recycled materials. E.g. cereal box, yogurt pots etc.

Resources you might need
·        Pencils/pens and blank paper

·        Junk recycling/glue or tape/straws/rice/lentils

·        Open window/garden/short walk

·        Appliances around the house that produce “sound”

Questions to explore
·        What type of sound can you hear- loud/quiet/soft?

·        What type of sound does your instrument make? How can you make it louder? How can you make it quiet?

·        What sounds can you hear around you?  What helps you to hear?

·        Apart from sound/hearing, what other senses do you have?

Information you might want to record
·        Open a window or go into the garden. Close your eyes and listen…what can you hear? Draw what you think is making the sounds around you.

·        Make an instrument that makes a loud sound/Make an instrument that makes a quiet sound…how can you make it now quieter or louder? What do you need to do? Make a video of you playing along to your favourite song with your instruments…tell us if it is your loud or quiet instrument before you start to play it.

·        Go on a senses walk around the house/back garden/ on your short walk….what can you hear/see/smell/feel?…can you taste anything? Draw around your hand and on each finger write hear, see, smell, feel, taste (five fingers, five senses) and draw on each finger what you heard/saw etc on your senses walk.

Have fun P1! We look forward to seeing photographs of any of the activities you decide to do (Remember not to name a child when a photograph of them is posted on social media).

Mrs Davies


Primary 1 Maths

Good Morning Primary 1. I hope you are all doing well and keeping safe. It has been lovely to see all your work on our Twitter page-keep it coming!

Please continue to work from our Maths Learning Grid. Before the holidays we asked you to look at direction. How did you get on with that? Learning about left and right can be a little tricky.

Money, money, money….

The sun is shining so why not ask your adult to hide a variety of different coins around the garden.

Once you find them sort them into your own criteria this could be-

Colour, value, size or order your coins from the coin which can buy you the most. To the coin which can buy you the least.

Role Play

If possible try to set up a shop be as creative as you can toy shop, supermarket, ice cream parlour, sweet shop. Price all of your items. If you have time create your own money and sell your items. You can ask your adult, sister or brother to join in. See if you can give change too. We would love to see your shop pictures on Twitter!



Make a collection of different coins? If you could keep 1 coin which one would you choose? Why? Make some coin rubbings of your favourite coins.

Primary 2/1 SCIENCE

Hello everyone! Mrs. Macandrew here with some more Science for you! I hope you all had a lovely Easter and didn’t eat too many Easter eggs! Did you manage to enjoy all that sunshine?

Library of picture of cartoon flowers png files ▻▻▻ Clipart Art ...

Our new topic for the Summer term is about PLANTS. We will be finding out what plants need to grow, the parts of a plant, the job each part of the plant does and hopefully you will be able to grow a plant or two of your own.

Here are the resources you will need. 

Wk 1 – PPT What plants need

Wk 1 – What Plants Need

Wk 1 What I need to grow

  1. Look at the PowerPoint. It is asking you about what plants need to grow.
  2. After you have watched the PowerPoint, complete the activity called “What Plants Need.” Use some nice bright colours for your pictures.
  3. After you have finished there is another activity for you to do. It is called “What I Need to Grow.”
  4. Well done!
  5. Next week we will be looking at the different parts of a plant.Single Flower Cartoon photos, royalty-free images, graphics ...

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