PE Daily Challenge – Day 3

Good morning boys and girls,

Mrs Lafferty from St John Ogilvie has set today’s challenge for you.

Day 3 of our PE challenges is below, remember to post on here or on Twitter @Tennant_PE and let me see you trying to get a high score 🙂

Today you will need 5 pairs of socks, one box as a target and a space 3 steps away from your box.

Good luck!

Primary 1 – WRITING

We just wanted to take this opportunity to tell all our Primary 1 pupils we are so proud of you. You are our little heroes.  Keep up the great work, keep smiling, having fun and sharing your learning with us. 


This weeks writing task is to draw a picture of someone you are proud of.  This might be yourself, a family member, a friend or someone who has inspired you.

You should write a description below your drawing to describe who you are proud of and why you are proud of them.

It has been a challenging few weeks but there is still so much to be proud of.


 Below are some pictures to help you start to think about your own proud moments.


What we are looking for:

  • a detailed drawing of the person you are proud of – this may include them doing the thing that makes you proud of them
  • a sentence describing who you are proud of
  • a sentence describing why are you proud of them
  • capital letters, full stops and finger spaces
  • correct spelling of common words
  • attempts to sound and spell other and tricky words accurately
  • well presented work

Challenge yourself: 

  • draw a picture of you and write a sentence to describe something your are proud of yourself for
  • then draw a picture of someone you are proud of and write a description of who and why you are proud of them.



Primary 1 Numeracy

We hope you are continuing to both work hard and relax during this time. We have seen some wonderful work that you have shared on Twitter and are so glad that you have engaged with your learning at home.

Continue to do your adding and subtraction at home. Attached are some more worksheets for you to use and adapt. Though these are one form of resource, these could inspire you to use physical objects to help with learning.

I like to use fruit (especially grapes) as afterwards I can make a fruit salad. It also helps with food technology on the importance of preparation and safety in the kitchen.

Get the children to use the operating symbols (+, -, =) and use them in the correct place. Check that they know what each symbol is for and where to place it correctly in an equation.

Using fruit also gives a real experience of introducing and understanding equal groups and fractions.

If you have a certain amount of objects, can you put these into equal groups so the same amount is in each group?

I have used grapes to demonstrate. If I have six, can I share equally into two groups? I do this by place one item at a time into each group so they have the same amount until I have moved them all. This will show that to share equally into matching groups, you need to have an equal amount. Get the child to count each group to make sure they have equal amounts in the two groups.


You can then go on to do this by sharing equally into larger groups.

In addition, making mistakes, having amounts that do not equal, is also important. Use an odd amount to begin with and follow the same routine by putting items individually into groups to show that they cannot be equal. (This can help reinforce odd and even numbers)


Initially for fractions, we would explore- whole, half and quarter. In class, we would be asking them to explain what they notice when you have an object. Does it stay the same size? How many pieces/groups did you make? What happens if I half a half? Are they equal?

Cutting the object helps to show how a whole becomes a fraction. Comparing a half apple to a whole apple displays how the object reduces in size. It is also important to highlight the numbers used. 2 halves make 1 whole, or 4 quarters make 1 whole. You have to make the distinction, for example, that 2 halves are not the same as 2 whole objects.

Go and be creative, use fruit, sticks, straws, Lego, pieces of paper, whatever you like. Share your learning with your teacher on Twitter!

EL23 Adding counting mixed up facts

EL23 Adding counting on

EL23 Adding ways to make

NUmber patterns finish the sequence

subtraction within 10

P3 Drama Lesson – ‘When Pigasso met Mootisse’

Good Morning Primary 3! I have another drama lesson for you this week. It’s based on the book ‘When Pigasso met Mootise’ by Nina Laden. It is a story about friendship and touches on the different styles of art work by Picasso and Matisse.

Watch the story here and then try out some of the drama activities below. I would love to see some pictures of you taking part! Tag me on twitter @cara_aikman

Drama Activities 

  • Freeze Frame (remember this is a still picture – you can’t move or talk!) Pigasso painting and then the other pigs who roll in the mud. Show how different they are!
  • Freeze Frame Mootise Painting and then other bulls being a bull fighter. Show how different they are!
  • Show Pigasso and Mootisse’s angry faces when they are sick of being in a ‘tired pig pen’ and ‘sick of crowded cow town’
  • What would the conversation between Pigasso and Mootisse have been like when they first met? What would they talk about? Would they like each other?  With the help of someone at home pretend to have this conversation between Pigasso and Mootisse (decide which character you each want to be). Remember to use your voice, whole body and facial expressions. 
  • Show what Pigasso and Mootisse looked like when they realised they missed eachother (think about their faces, bodies and voices).  What would they have said to eachother?
  • Pigasso and Mootise find it very funny when they see eachother’s paintings on the  fence – show their reactions (think about their faces, bodies and voices)

Art Work

After you have taken part in the drama activities you could look at some of the art work of the artists and discuss. Remember there are no right or wrong answers!

Here is one of Picasso’s paintings. It is called ‘Maya with Doll’. 

You could talk about

  • the faces on the girl and the doll
  • the hands on the girls and the doll
  • the colours you can see
  • the shapes you can see
  • anything else that you notice?

Here is a painting by Matisse. It is called ‘Woman with a hat’. 

You could talk about

  • what do you think is on her hat?
  • the colours you can see
  • what does her face tell you about how she is feeling?
  • anything else you notice?

P1 Drama – When Pigasso met Mootisse

Good Morning Primary 1! I have another drama lesson for you this week. It’s based on the book ‘When Pigasso met Mootise’ by Nina Laden. It is a story about friendship and touches on the different styles of art work by Picasso and Matisse.

Watch the story here and then try out some of the drama activities below. I would love to see some pictures of you taking part! Tag me on twitter @cara_aikman

Drama Activities 

  • Freeze Frame (remember this is a still picture – you can’t move or talk!) Pigasso painting and then the other pigs who roll in the mud. Show how different they are!
  • Freeze Frame Mootisse Painting and then other bulls being a bull fighter. Show how different they are!
  • Show Pigasso and Mootisse’s angry faces when they are sick of being in a ‘tired pig pen’ and ‘sick of crowded cow town’
  • Show what Pigasso and Mootisse looked like when they realised they missed eachother (think about their faces, bodies and voices)
  • Pigasso and Mootisse find it very funny when they see eachother’s paintings on the  fence – show their reactions (think about their faces, bodies and voices)

Art Work

After you have taken part in the drama activities you could look at some of the art work of the artists and discuss. Remember there are no right or wrong answers!

Here is one of Picasso’s paintings. It is called ‘Maya with Doll’. 

You could talk about

  • the faces on the girl and the doll
  • the hands on the girls and the doll
  • the colours you can see
  • the shapes you can see
  • anything else that you notice?

Here is a painting by Matisse. It is called ‘Woman with a hat’. 

You could talk about

  • what do you think is on her hat?
  • the colours you can see
  • what does her face tell you about how she is feeling?
  • anything else you notice?

P2B Home Learning – Week 4

Good Morning, P2B!

I hope that you are all well and taking care of each other. I have been really enjoying seeing what activities you have been doing through photos on Twitter, please continue this!

I have attached this week’s home learning activity grid below. This is the last week of similar activities before we move on – next week, we’ll be having a look at our new topic (I think you will all like it!)

P2 Home Learning – Week 4

Please remember: it’s up to you and your family to decide your home learning routine. Everyone will have different routines and this is okay, whatever suits your family the most. Lots of play and outdoor activities are important too.

  • I will be updating Sumdog with some new challenges for you (have a look out for a spelling challenge too).
  • I will put some more books on the ActiveLearn resource.
  • Remember to check  out education city too for a range of games to support learning (I will assign some today).

Some websites that you might find useful:

  •  (You can make up worksheets that suit your child’s ability from a range of curricular areas).
  •  (The children should be familiar with a lot of the number games on this site – try ‘hit the button’ for some competitive fun!)
  • Twinkl (offering parents some free access to resources during this period of school closure, lots of worksheets to have a look at.
  • (a great site for practising langauges – it can be downloaded as an app onto Ipads too).

Thanks  and take care everyone,


Online Resources

Hi everyone! Hope you’re getting on well. I just wanted to pop on to list a few extra resources which we’ve found that might be helpful!

BBC Bitesize have been posting daily lessons and challenges, like this maths challenge here:
There’s loads of variety of topics and activities on the website.

West Lothian have created a resource with weekly challenges to keep everyone inspired:

Topmarks have lots of games and resources that can be sorted by topic or  by level, including P3B’s favourite Hit The Button!

For reading, Oxford Owl has a fantastic free library of ebooks that can be sorted by age or by ORT stage. You need to make a free account to access the ebook library but it is completely free to access!

I have been posting daily challenges on my Twitter account @missblyth1 which everyone is welcome to access and try out too!

I hope this has been useful, and keep up the hard work everyone! We are so proud of everything you’ve been doing to keep your brains engaged and learning over the last few weeks!

P2/1 Week 4 Home Learning

Hi P2/1,

I hope you are all well.

P2 – Here is your weekly learning grid. week 4 Remember these are just suggestions for activities.

P1 – Keep an eye on our blog for your daily activities. You can also use P2 learning grid but please only look at the column ‘Across the Curriculum’ as this would be used in class for P1 and P2.

I hope that you are all still finding some time to read and listen to stories. I have been enjoying my book in the garden and in the bath!

Remember you can also download Oxford Owl and enjoy their ebooks. You could create some of your own reading tasks to match the books.  Be story detective, design a poster, do a book review, interview a character, role play, make a common word game etc.

I look forward to seeing what activities you are involved in this week.

Mrs Davies

P7 Home Learning Monday 27th April

Hello everyone, and welcome to another week of Home Learning.  We hope you are all doing OK and are continuing to look after one another and staying safe.

This upcoming week we will be focusing on Data Handling in Maths, spelling and grammar in literacy and we will continue our focus on Transition to High School, amongst many other things!

If accessing Teams is proving difficult please get in touch.  You can also find a whole host of lessons appropriate to P7 here: BBC Bitesize 2nd Level

Below we have a table of daily tasks which can be completed at home.  We will also continue to post daily lessons on our P7 Lesson Teams page.

Physical Activity – Aim to complete 1 hour of activity each day.  This could be Joe Wicks Fitness (Live on Youtube at 9am) or one of the many other active tasks available – keep an eye on Mr Tennant’s Twitter page for inspiration!  If you have a task you’d rather do then please go ahead and remember to take photos and upload then to Teams or Twitter.

Free Writing/Daily Journal – Using a digital resource or paper try to write for 30 minutes each day.  This could be a journal keeping track of your thoughts each day or using the Files we have uploaded to Teams.  Try to write different genres – so creative writing one day, personal writing another, a letter to someone you are missing the next etc.


Personal Reading – Continue to read your own reading book for a least 20 minutes day.  Please share what book you are reading with us.  You can upload a picture onto Teams or Twitter, draw a picture, write a book review, anything to keep us up to date with your reading!


Daily Meditation – Remember to give yourself time to relax and stop and listen to your body and mind. Listen to some relaxing music and give yourself 5 or 10 minutes of quiet time, it could be colouring or just thinking (no screen time!).  This website has good ideas: Click Here
Numeracy Ninjas – Complete 1 page of the numeracy ninja’s booklet each day.  The Files have been added to Teams if you need the next set of tasks.


Targeted Online Resources – Access the IDL website and complete tasks for around 15 minutes in both curricular areas – 15 minutes of Literacy and the same for Numeracy.


Online Active Learning – Education City and Sumdog are all set for free play in a wide range of curricular areas.  Additional tasks will be regularly set by your teachers.


Help around the Home Each day think about ways you can help your family out.  It could be something small like keeping your room tidy or a bigger project like helping to cook dinner. Discuss this with people at home.

Learning Today…… Leading Tomorrow

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