Good Morning Primary 1!
I hope you all enjoyed the story ‘One Button Benny’. I certainly did.

It has been great seeing some of your very own robot creations. You have been so imaginative and creative with your use of materials.

Don’t worry if you haven’t made one yet there is still plenty of time.
Today your writing activity is to write instructions on how to dance like a robot.

First use the link below to warm up your robot moves
Then use the template below or your own format to write simple instructions for someone to recreate your robot dance.

- After the warm up spend some time deciding on four to six moves to include in your dance.
- Next get someone to film you performing your sequence of moves.
- Then watch the clip back and use it to help you write your instructions on how to dance like a robot.
- Then give your instructions to someone to perform your dance.
- Finally, watch your video as they perform your dance and compare the dances. Are the robot dances the same? Do you need to make any changes to your writing to help improve your instructions?

Remember when writing your dance instructions to include those bossy instruction words (First, Then, Next, After, Lastly) these will help the person reading your instructions know what order to complete the dance in. (e.g. First stand up with one arm up in the air and one arm down by your side.)
We hope this activity helps make you smile. We look forward to seeing your robot dance instructions, pictures and videos.