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P2 and P2/3 Snow Day Activities

Another snow day! Hope you all had fun yesterday. Here are some activities you could try today.

  • If you have lego can you build a house? What kind of house have you built? A bungalow, detached, terraced house? Can you tweet us a photo?
  • Can you write a letter to someone in a country that never gets snow and describe what the weather is like today?
  • The poor birds are struggling to find food at the moment because of all the snow. Could you find out what we could do to help feed the birds and if you can put some food out for them?
  • Could you write an acrostic poem about snow? Here is my example


Spinning round and round the flakes fall to the ground

Nice and fluffy but cold to the touch the flakes keep tumbling down

Oh how I love to see them fall and land softly on the ground

When will it stop? I don’t know, but I’m wrapped up warm inside.


Remember to tweet us any photos! Have a great day and lovely weekend when it comes. Hope to see you all on Monday.

P6c Mrs Paradies – Snow day activities

P6c parents/ carers,

These are possible activities the children can complete on the snow day.

Either complete the education city activities allocated to your account or some of the activities listed:

*log into
*choose a times table to improve and practise

*read a chapter of a novel
*update reading Reading Passports
*find out more about your favourite author (date of birth/ death, where they are from, books they have written, who/ what inspired them to write) and create a poster with your information

Have a nice weekend!
Mrs Paradies

p2/3 and p4 french fruit words

Bonjour p2/3 and 4!!

Try to remember as many of our french ‘fruit’ and number words as you can.

les fraises – strawberries
les pommes – apples
les poires – peaars
les bananes – bananas
les oranges – oranges
les prunes – plums
les framboises – raspberries
une pomme – one apple
deux fraises – two strawberries
trois bananes – three bananas
quatre prunes – four plums
cinq poires – five pears

J’ai faim – I am hungry

Here is a link to La Chenille Qui Fait Des Trous: join in with the words you can remember

Image result for la chenille qui fait des trous
Elle a encore faim!
Elle croque dans……
Le lundi…. le mardi….. le mercredi……le jeudi….. le vendredi…. le samedi…..

Bon weekend!!
Mrs Gillies


P6 Snow Day French from Mrs Gillies


While you are off, can you try to remember as many french family words as you can?

ma famille – my family
les parents – parents
mon père – my father
ma mère – my mother
ma sœur – my sister
mon frère – my brother

mon grand-père – my grandfather
ma grand-mère – my grandmother
mes grands-parents – my grandparents

mon oncle – uncle
ma tante – aunt
mon cousin / ma cousine – cousin (male) / cousin (female)

Image result for simpson family

Can you create an imaginary introduction scene for the Simpson family?
Je m’appelle Bart…. Voici ma tante, Selma…. Voici ma soeur, Lisa…..

You could also add some pets, since we have started to look at french vocabulary for pets.

un serpent – a snake
un chien – a dog
un chat – a cat
un poisson – a fish
un poisson rouge – a goldfish
un hamster –  a hamster
un cheval – a horse

une souris – a mouse
une tortue – a tortoise
une licorne – a unicorn (!!)

Remember that to say ‘I have a…..’ you say ‘ J’ai un….’ or  ‘J’ai une…..’

Perhaps you can make up a rap like the one we listened to…. Here is a link to it.

Enjoy your day. Bon weekend!!

Mrs Gillies – Snow day activity ideas

Hello everyone,

Here are a couple of ideas linking to what we have been doing in art and music.


If any of the p1s, 2s and 3s want to follow up their Andy Goldsworthy Transient Art from last term, today’s conditions are perfect for creating snow art, either with just the snow, or with snow and greenery/stones/sticks/etc. And because it is transient a photo is what makes it last. With help, you should take photos of your art and post them in.

The older children could also be doing the same – we are looking at line as well as colour… Question, how can you create line with snow/ in snow?

p3/4 have been looking at sound stories for Tam O’ Haggis and we have listened to the Tam O Shanter Overture. And p2/3 last term looked at selecting appropriate music to fit with drama. Can you take a video (with help) of either your snow art OR some dramatic weather and find some appropriate music to put as the background?

Best wishes,

Mrs Gillies


More Snow Day Tasks!

Hello everyone

First of all “Happy World Book Day”! I hope you are all staying safe, keeping warm but also having some fun in the snow!

Below are some more activities that can be completed at home today:

  • Visit for some ways to celebrate at home! There are lots of fantastic activities and resources you can engage with.
  • Continue our French language learning from earlier this week by directing someone at home through a course you have designed. Here is a reminder of our basic commands:
  • Continuez tout droit: continue straight on
  • Tournez à droite: turn to the right
  • Tournez à gauche: turn to the left


  • Access maths and numeracy learning activities via Sumdog.
  • Continue to revise converting decimals, fractions and percentages. Test yourself with the examples below. Fractions, decimals and percentages
  • In preparation for our return to school we will be starting a task to write a newspaper article reporting on the impact of the Blitz. I have attached an example written previously for you to grasp an idea of basic layout and content. Complete some research on the key features of a newspaper report and get started on your project. WW2-newspaper
  • Engage with active spelling tasks with your words received on Monday. Why not take this learning outdoors and capture your work in a photograph?
  • Play a game of times table bingo with someone at home.
  • Continue with all the tasks on your home learning grid, due in this Friday (2ndMarch).


Most importantly stay safe and warm and enjoy your day. Keep me up to date with what you get up to here or via twitter @MrAitken1 and @SimpsonPrimary

P6C Mrs Paradies – snow day activities

P6c parents/ carers,
These are possible activities the children can complete on the snow day.

Either complete the education city activities allocated to your account or some of the activities listed:

*log into
*choose a times table to improve and practise

*read a chapter of a novel
*update reading Reading Passports
*choose a reading dare from homework jotter or write a summary of what has been read
*It is World Book Day. Visit

*we have heard from two engineers this week. Can you design and create a sledge out of materials found at home? Tip- think about materials that won’t rip when wet (remember to ask people at home before using something)

Mrs Paradies

Another #SPSSnowDay

Happy World Book Day!

All P6 pupils should continue to access the variety of Numeracy, Reading and Spelling activities allocated in the Classwork tab of Education City.  The allocated activities can be accessed by clicking on the Snow Day folders, but please explore some of the other areas of the curriculum and activities too.

Since we are not at school to celebrate World Book Day please also visit the website and try out some of the fun activities on here.

It would also be great to see everyone get a little creative in celebration of the the day and send pictures of you reading somewhere a little different.  We had some great examples in the snow yesterday – can we add some more today?  Why not create something in the snow related to one of  your favourite novels or characters?  Or if you’d rather be warm indoors how about creating a model, painting a picture or even baking and decorating a cake along the theme of your chosen book?

We’d love to see your ideas so don’t forget to tweet #SPSSnowDay #SPSLovestoRead

Primary 4 Snow Day Activities – Thursday 1st March 2018

Good morning Primary 4!

We hope that you enjoying the snow, staying wrapped up warm and are playing safely.

Here are today’s learning activities:

– Happy World Book day! Continue to design your world book day hat or t-shirt design ready to share with the class.

– Stay cosy and warm and choose a favourite book. Try reading this with a brother or sister, mum, dad or grandparents.  Remember to read with energy and expression.

– Keep a diary of all of the interesting things that you do during the snow days  remembering to include the date of each entry and to use interesting vocabulary.

– Maths and Numeracy: using a ruler measure the snowfall outside, in different areas of your garden or the front of your house.  Try to use your estimation skills first to guess how much snow you think there is (in centimetres) and record your estimation and accurate measurement.

– Maths and numeracy: continue to practice your timetables.  Try to think of word problems with a snow theme using the four functions (add, take away, multiply and divide).

– Finally think about our science topic Forces, think about activities that you can do in the snow, e.g. Sledge, snowball fight. Have think and decide if these forces are pushes or pulls.

Have a lovely day!