Category Archives: Primary 1

SCIENCE Primary 2/1

Hello everyone! It looks like it is going to be a nice, bright day. Remember to get out and enjoy it – even if you have to wrap up a bit!

Sorry this lesson is a bit late getting posted as I have been in school this week looking after key worker’s children.

So here is you lesson for this week.

Week 4-14.05.20        PLANTS             

This week we will be looking at the parts of a plant and the jobs they do.

These are the resources you will need:


2. PARTS OF A PLANT cut n’ stick


  1. Firstly, do you remember what it takes to grow a healthy plant?
  2. Now we are going to look at the parts of a plant and the job they do.
  3. You will need to watch the PowerPoint and use the resources above.
  4. Follow the instructions on the PowerPoint.

N.B. When you are doing the “Parts of a Plant” activity, you only need to use sheets 1 and 2. Sheets 3 and 4 need only be discussed.


Next week we will look at the parts of a flower.

Primary 1 Numeracy

To continue from our robot reading, we will be doing some outer space maths!

So, get in your space rocket and blast off!

Every space mission starts with a countdown to ignition, so what number are you going to count down from? 10? 20? 30? 100?

If you have tried counting down in ones, try in twos, or tens.

Try starting from a number like 24, or 56, or 87.

If you are counting backwards in twos or tens, how does starting at an odd number affect how you count? It is trickier but give it a go!

If it is nice weather outside, you could draw your own number line and then do space jump counting backwards! “It’s one small (number) step for man…!”

Here is a game from Topmarks that can help with finding the number between and also counting backwards/subtraction

It is always important to practise the number before, between and after.



a=1 b=2 c=3 d=4 e=5 f=1 g=2 h=3 i=4 j=5
k=1 l=2 m=3 n=4 o=5 p=1 q=2 r=3 s=4 t=5
u=1 v=2 w=3 x=4 y=5 z=1        


Above is a table that gives a value to each letter of the alphabet. Can you add together the letters to see what each planet in our solar system is worth?

For example the Moon is m=3, o=5, o=5, n=4.

Add together in parts- 3 +5 = 8. 8 +5 = 13. 13 + 4 = 17. So altogether 3+5+5+4= 17.

Can you do the same for the Sun, Venus, Mercury, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune?

Can you think of any other space themed items to do more adding? Spaceman? Asteroid? Star? Millennium Falcon?

Also attached are some space themed worksheets for you to either print off or copy down.


Robot dot to dot

Robot One more One less


P1 Drama – Harry the Dirty Dog

This week’s drama activities are based on the book Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion. 

Harry hates having a bath!Listen to the story to find out what happens when his family try to give him one….

Pretend to be Harry and  try out some of these drama activities

  • burying the scrubbing brush in the back garden
  • running away from home


  • getting dirty by playing in the street, playing at the railroad, playing with the other dogs and going down the coal chute


  • FREEZE FRAME (like a still picture) what Harry looked like when his family didn’t recognise him.


  • showing his family his tricks (flip flopping, rolling over, dancing and singing)


  • digging in the garden to find the scrubbing brush


  • having fun in the bath while the children are scrubbing him


  • sleeping peacefully in his favourite place

I would love to see pictures of you taking part in this week’s drama. Tag me on twitter @cara_aikman (remembering not to name your child).

Reading for Primary One

It’s the beginning of a new week and you should all congratulate yourselves at how well you are coping with this major change to life and your routine.

We would like you to continue reading for enjoyment this week and remember to post on Twitter , you reading:  parts of your favourite books or a reading corner you may have set up outdoors or in your house. @ReadSPS.

The children in P1D really enjoyed the story, One Button Benny by Alan Windram. You can hear Alan reading this book below, using  the link.


Here is the link to learn how to dance like a robot too:

This week you could all make your own robots like Benny. He needs to have a button which can only be used in an emergency. You could create your own stories about your robot and tell them to your parents. I’d love to see pictures of your robots.

Scottish Book Trust are also showing a great author, Kes Gray this week. Use the link below;

Keep practising your keywords. Some parents have asked for more to be issued and I will issue more next week. Remember there are activities set on Education City to help you practise these words. Have a go!

I’ve added also some more books from Oxford Owl which are suitable for P1. These books use the words and sounds you have already been taught in class.

To help practise your blending, you may want to use Doorway Online. You can use this link.

Have fun Primary One and share your learning with your teacher.


Primary 1

Primary 1 revision week

Hello Primary 1! We are now into May and we hope that everyone is keeping well, working hard and playing lots.

Usually on a week with holidays and in-service days, Primary 1 has a revision week: a chance to recap on what we have been learning and make sure we understand and can demonstrate our new knowledge.

Here is a recap of what we have been doing and you can scroll back for further info and details!



Addition and subtraction.  Start by adding one or two to a number then move onto larger numbers. Remember to count on from the original number. Subtracting one or two and then taking away bigger numbers. Use pictures to score out to give a visual guide of how many is left. You can also use a number line to step count to the answer.

Counting and place value. Working on missing numbers in a line helps to teach about place value. Use what the terms before, after and between to help with ordering and sequencing.



We have been exploring money and currency in maths. Continue to identify different coins and their values so that you are accustomed to them by sight.

Investigate various ways to add coins together to make 10p, 20p or 50p. What is the fewest coins you can use? Can you do it using only silver coins?

Can you also make pictures by drawing around coins to make different objects, then totalling the amount?

Have you also had the opportunity to make your own bottle piggy bank?



Practise all your key words. See if you can identify these using flash cards, or try to use them correctly in sentences.

Use your phoneme awareness to try to list how many words you can make that end in

at, ap, an, et, eg, in, on, ip, up, ut  etc.

Can you write each word and draw a matching picture?

Also remember your ‘black tunnel’ sounds for the middle of words, not just a, e, i, o, u but also ee, oo, ai, oa and igh that we have learned. What happens when you substitute a different sound in the middle of a word (e.g. Pat becomes pet, which then becomes pit, which then becomes pot).

What books have you enjoyed reading and what book will you read next?

You can log on to Oxford Owl for book resources. There are different texts to read, both fiction and non-fiction.



Continue to practise your letter formation to ensure they are facing the correct direction and appropriate size. Always remember to write from left to right and to begin a new line underneath when you have ran out of space.

We have recently been writing about who you are proud of and why. Work on your capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Perhaps using adjectives to describe an object.  Sound out your words and try to use some of your common words too.

You may have done something during this time that made you feel proud.  Maybe you have learned to ride your bike, tie your laces, count to a higher number or something else that’s made you feel great about yourself.

Another activity would be to write about what might happen next in a story or television show or take a character or a magical adventure.


Other numeracy and literacy activities are available on the following sites

Children received their own unique user name and password. All the P1 teachers upload activities to these.


As the weather is getting warmer, you may want to do more activities outside.

Transient art allows you to create wonderful artworks using materials that you find and without needing to stick them down. You could use natural materials or items that you find around the house. Maybe you will make something representational like an animal or a landscape picture, or maybe you will make a pattern!

Alternatively, you can also use items from your recycle bin into fun objects. Can you make a vehicle, a castle, a character from a story using cardboard boxes, plastic bottles and toilet roll tubes?

P2/1 Week 5 Home Learning


Good Morning P2/1. I hope you have had a lovely long weekend.

It is a short week this week so please do not feel you need to do all the activities set. You may want to keep some for another time when you are looking for something to do.

There are new challenges set on Sumdog and here is the link to the P2 grid for our 5th week of home learning –   Week 5

Remember you can also explore subjects in Education City and  IDL and I am hoping you are still using Teach your Monster to Read.

P1 – You can complete the P1 tasks set by all P1 teachers on different days and you can also complete the ‘Learning Across the Curriculum’ column on the Week 5 grid. This week it covers our new topic, The Farm, a food technology task and a dance activity.

I am missing you all and would love to hear how you are  getting on.

Mrs Davies

P1 Drama – When a Dragon Moves in

This week’s drama is based on a story about a boy and a dragon. It is called ‘When a Dragon Moves In’ and is written by Jody Moore. 

Listen to the story here and the take part in the drama activities.

Drama Activities 

Pretend you are the boy. Act out

  • building the sandcastle on the beach
  • your reaction when the dragon moves into the sandcastle
  • toasting the marshmallows on the flames from the dragons mouth
  • floating on your raft (which is really the dragon’s belly!)
  • flying your kite (which is really the dragon!)
  • being tickled by the feather
  • how you are feeling when the dad tells him he has ‘had enough of this dragon business’
  • breaking the sandcastle
  • building a new, even better sandcastle


Now pretend to be the dragon. Act out

  • when he eats the peanut butter sandwiches
  • drinking the bubbly lemonade
  • eating the brownies from the cool bag
  • the dragon laughing when he sprays sand over the boy’s sister
  • how the dragon feels when the boy asks him to leave the sandcastle

Other ideas

  • If you have sand – make a sandcastle! What size will it be? What shape will it be? What would be special about your sand castle that would make a dragon want to live there?
  • Draw a picture of a sandcastle. What size would it be? What shape would it be? Imagine you had lots of different coloured sand – what colour would you make it? What would be special about your sand castle that would make a dragon want to live there?
  • At the end of the story it looks as if a whole family of dragons are moving in to the new sandcastle. What do you think will happen next? You could draw a picture, write a story or act it out.

I love seeing your pictures on twitter – tag me @cara_aikman. The pictures really do make my day! (Remember not to share your child’s name.)

Primary One Reading

This week I want you again to think about some of your favourite stories and add them to Twitter. Maybe you could even add a video of you reading some of your book ( parents remember no names of children if photograph or video is added.) Use @ReadSPS when you add your favourite book or any activities you do related to these stories. You may inspire other children to read your favourite book too.

I am going to read to you one of my favourite stories, I hope you enjoy it.

Maybe you could retell the story in your own words. I’ve started to draw some pictures of the characters in the book and I’m going to put these onto sticks. I’ll then use these puppets to retell the story, can you do this too?

Can you think about our Emotion Works, orange cog too. How do you think the platypus was feeling , when each animal said, this zoo is not for you, how many different emotion words can you think of? How were the animals feeling too when they realised they hadn’t been very nice to platypus?

Remember to keep practising keywords and letter sounds. Use these sounds to make lots of words, remember the vowel sounds- ai, oa and igh in some of your words too, not just- a,e,i,o,u. More activities for phonics and common word recognition have been added to Education City.

I have also added some suggestions for reading books for next week, remember you will find these on Oxford Owl ebooks.