Dear All,
Dear All,
The Lost Words
As part of our World Book Day celebrations, the Pupil Council delivered a copy of The Lost Words to each class in the school. For those unfamiliar with the book, it is a stunning spell book written by Robert Macfarlane and illustrated beautifully by artist Jackie Morris. It showcases words from our natural world which are no longer included in the Junior Oxford Dictionary due to lack of use (including acorn, conker, dandelion and otter). Before each class received the book, Primary One to Seven engaged in a ‘guess the meaning’ task and it has created quite a buzz. We have been thrilled with the response our posts have had on Twitter – including comments from both author Robert Macfarlane and illustrator Jackie Morris.
As we FINALLY head towards spring (fingers crossed!) our school challenge is to get out into nature and find out about the plants and creatures we have discovered in this fabulous book. Can spot any of them outdoors? Draw them? Make a fact file about them? Get together with a friend and record a news report about them?If you are looking for something to do over the holidays, why not give it a go!
Ask an adult to tweet about it using the #lostwordsSPS @simpsonprimary or comment below.
To quote the wonderful David Attenborough,
Last week we started to explore symmetry. We created our own symmetrical pictures in lots of different ways.
Last week we also continued to create our own hats for our World Book Day on Friday 9th of March. We talked about our favourite book characters and our reasons for liking these characters and then created our own hats showing this character.
On Friday we had a task to complete to see if we knew the meaning of lots of words which are disappearing from the language of children. We knew some of these words. Most of us knew what a conker was and some of us gave a great description of an otter. Harris said it’s got a tail and likes water. Zach said it likes to build dams. Aria also knew that a bluebell was a flower with blue petals. Elena was aware that an acorn grew on a tree and Oscar said he knew what a conker was because his brother and him had collected them from a conker tree. We were confused with some words. Although Zach knew what a newt was because he had a pet one, another child said she had a newt bunny! We also thought a dandelion was like a tiger and heather was when you bounced the ball on your head. We were not sure what a bramble was but we’ve heard of a soft play called bramble. No-one knew what ivy was or a lark or willow or a wren. We thought a starling was a star made of wool and a weasel was something to make pictures on. We were really excited when our pupil council rep brought a present to the class from the parent council. When she opened this present we discovered it was a book called The Lost Words. This book will help us to learn what all these words mean. We can’t wait to start learning about these lost words.
French – Practise days of the week song in English and then French. Count forward and backwards from 10.
We have been learning about our 5 Senses and last week we were exploring our Sense of Sound. We worked with our talk partners and used recyclable materials to create our own musical instruments. See if you can make an instrument at home and bring it into school with you when we return.
RME – As part of our learning in class we have been learning about Bible Stories. Do you have a bible at home? If you do read a story from the Bible.
I hope everyone is remaining safe at home.
Remember to add any of your learning at home to twitter. #SPSlovestoread, #SPSsnowday
Some suggested activities for today:
Yesterday on twitter, there was a fabulous photograph of a snow plough made from junk materials from one of children in our class. Last week we were making vehicles in class.
At home you could make another vehicle and bring it into class next week. Remember to draw your plan and make a list of the resources required. You can also post any photographs on twitter.
What books have you been reading? Have you been reading in any interesting places? Remember to post these pictures and complete your reading passport.
Snow day activities for P1C
I hope you are enjoying your time at home with your family and that you are safe and cosy when you are not outside enjoying all this wonderful snow! ❄️❄️❄️
As school remains closed you may want to try some of the activities listed below:
Our new sound this week was “ch”, you could make “ch” in the snow with sticks, stones or food colouring.
Go on a “ch” word hunt around your home or you could even go outdoors.
Write words and sentences with the “ch” sound.
Revise all sounds. Most recent sounds include – ee, oa, oo, w, ch, ng and sh
We have been working hard on blending in class. You can use the website below to practice blending at home
Today is World Book Day
In class the plan this week was to make a World Book Day head band, you could create this at home including drawing of your favourite character
How many books can you read today, I wonder which one is your favourite?
Look at some of the titles on The First Minister’s Reading Challenge, some of these books are available as ebooks,
Can you make your own book? Staple or stick a few pages together and then decide on your character for your book. Draw lots of pictures on each page to tell a story, if you can, have a go at writing this story, I can’t wait to see your books next week.
Can you create a story about a snowy day?
Read your reading book and play fastest finger – can you find all your words.
Read your favourite book, you’ll be surprised how many words you can read on your own now.
Practise your key words and use them to play games or build real/ silly sentences – don’t forget your capital letters and full stops.
Maths and numeracy
Create a snow creature or sculpture, can you measure it, what will you use to measure it?.
Play a board game.
Try any of the activities listed on the P1 homework grid, issued earlier this term.
Play Number Bond games – teach someone how to play fist of 5 challenge yourself and play fists to 10
Hello everyone,
Here are a couple of ideas linking to what we have been doing in art and music.
If any of the p1s, 2s and 3s want to follow up their Andy Goldsworthy Transient Art from last term, today’s conditions are perfect for creating snow art, either with just the snow, or with snow and greenery/stones/sticks/etc. And because it is transient a photo is what makes it last. With help, you should take photos of your art and post them in.
The older children could also be doing the same – we are looking at line as well as colour… Question, how can you create line with snow/ in snow?
p3/4 have been looking at sound stories for Tam O’ Haggis and we have listened to the Tam O Shanter Overture. And p2/3 last term looked at selecting appropriate music to fit with drama. Can you take a video (with help) of either your snow art OR some dramatic weather and find some appropriate music to put as the background?
Best wishes,
Mrs Gillies
Snow day activities for P1D
I hope you are enjoying your time at home with your family.
As school remains closed you may want to try some of the activities listed below:
Today is World Book Day