Tag Archives: Phonics

Snow Day Activities for Primary 1D

Snow day activities for P1D

I hope you are enjoying your time at home with your family.

As school remains closed you may want to try some of the activities listed below:


  • Our new sound this week was “ch”, you could practise making “ch” with paint, coloured pencils, chalk or pens.
  • Go on a “ch” word hunt around your home or you could even go outdoors and write “ch” and “ch” words in the snow.
  • Create treasure – real “ch” words and trash – made up “ch” words and play your very own game of treasure or trash.
  • Write words and sentences with the “ch” sound.
  • Revise all sounds. Most recent sounds include – ee, oa, oo, w, ch, ng and sh
  • We have been working hard on blending in class. You can use the website below to practice blending at home http://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/literacy/firstblends/

Today is World Book Day

  • In class the plan this week was to make a World Book Day head band, you could create this at home including drawing of your favourite character
  • How many books can you read today, I wonder which one is your favourite?
  • Look at some of the titles on The First Minister’s Reading Challenge, some of these books are available as ebooks,
  • Can you make your own book? Staple or stick a few pages together and then decide on your character for your book. Draw lots of pictures on each page to tell a story, if you can, have a go at writing this story, I can’t wait to see your books next week.
  • Can you create a story about a snowy day?
  • Remember you can post photographs of snow activities or reading activities on #SPSlovestoread or #SPSsnowday


  • Read your reading book and play fastest finger – can you find all your words.
  • Read your favourite book, you’ll be surprised how many words you can read on your own now.
  • Practise your key words and use them to play games or build real/ silly sentences – don’t forget your capital letters and full stops.


  • Ceate a snow creature or sculpture, can you measure it, what will you use to measure it?.
  • Play a board game.
  • Try any of the activities listed on the P1 homework grid, issued earlier this term.
  • Play Number Bond games – teach someone how to play fist of 5 challenge yourself and play fists to 10  http://www.ictgames.com/save_the_whale_v4.html