Keep the ocean clean

This week the children are beginning to move on from their interest in pirates and are now showing an interest in the ocean and the different animals that live in the ocean, particularly sharks! A few of the children have even been talking all about how the ocean is full of rubbish which is dangerous to animals, We then watched a video all about The big ocean clean up and this has sparked a big interest with the children about keeping the ocean clean. In our water tray we have been exploring using nets to clear the rubbish out of the water and to help the animals live in a safe clean environment. Please feel free to have a look at our floorbook within the nursery where it shows a variety of the children’s experiences and comments about what we have been learning in nursery.



On Thursday as it was World book day, the children came to nursery dressed in either their favorite book character or their pajamas, We had great fun exploring a range of the children’s favorite books, the events and the characters!




The children have also been having great fun getting extra muddy and wet in the garden with our new waterproof suits!

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