Primary 1

P1m and P1s have been very busy and learning lots of new things.

Each classroom has started to build their own Fairytale Land castle.  We had to find out about the different parts of castles so we could make it look like a real castle from the past.  We have made the castle walls look like stone and made sure the battlements were at the top.

For Maths week, we practised our number formation by writing numbers in icing on biscuits.  They tasted lovely and we remembered that we need to clean our teeth after sweet treats!

Our school garden has lots of vegetables ready to harvest at the moment so P1 helped to pick the potatoes.  We then had to wash, peel, cut, mash and cook them.   Our potato feast was ready just in time for Thursday snack – mashed potato and wedges.  We all enjoyed having a wee try!


Our Jacobite Adventure

We had a fantastic day at the Water of Leith visitors centre learning about the Jacobites.

P6 Jacobites Trip

To all P6.

Just to remind you we are going on our Jacobites Experience Trip on Wednesday 20th of September. Please make sure you are wearing waterpoof jackets and suitable footwear (eg. wellies) for this trip because a lot of it will be outside and it will be muddy.

You will also need to remember a snack and a packed lunch as you will be away all day.

I am sure it will be a fantastic trip.

See you all on Wednesday.

Mrs Campbell

Primary 2

This week, Primary 2 were celebrating Scotland’s magical Maths Week!

We used the ‘YouCubed’ website to look at some of the videos that made us think differently about number and maths work. We learned that speed isn’t everything – just because you take your time, it doesn’t mean that you can’t do it.

We also gave some of their maths week activities a go!

Game of Totals
Count on Me
Building Shapes

We also received a rather unusual delivery this week… Check in with us to see what it was.

Until next time…
Primary 2 & Miss M 🙂

Meet the Teacher Documents

The information shared at last night’s Meet the Teacher event is available below for your information.  Many thanks to those that could make it.

P7 – Meet the Teacher Information 2017

P6 – Meet the Teacher Information 2017

P6 – Fridge Sheet 2017

P5 Shared Snack Letter

P5 – Meet the Teacher Information 2017

P5 – Fridge Sheet 2017

P4 – Fridge Sheet 2017

P3 – Meet the Teacher Information 2017

P2 – Meet the Teacher Information 2017

P2 – Fridge Sheet 2017

P1s – Meet the Teacher Information 2017

P1m – Meet the Teacher Information 2017

P1 Presentation – AiL and Reading 2017

P1 Presentation Early Numeracy

Primary 7

This week it was maths week. It was really fun because we entered the Scottish Sumdog maths competition. We also did a toothpick challenge where we had to build a 2 x 2 and a 4 x 4 square and we weren’t allowed to count them one by one so we had to use a strategy to figure out how many toothpicks we used. Then we did a 13 x 13 square for a challenge as well. We also did a Pascal’s Triangle challenge where we had to figure out a number pattern that’s continued to complete the triangle then we had to use the pattern to create our own triangle.

We used our reflection page to identify that we needed to use more complex connectives to write our own story. We wrote more sentences using complex connectives to help us to use them in our own writing.

By Jessica and Lauren

Scottish Maths Week

This week across Scotland, it has been Maths Week. We have been doing some exciting maths activities in class.

Amelia – “I enjoyed doing the book of shapes with Miss Cave. We had to match the shape with the correct colour.”

Ellie Curran – “I liked playing the game ‘Splat’ where you answer a question and the other two people next to them can answer the question too and they have to say “SPLAT!”

Aaron – “I liked doing tiling with the shapes to investigate whether the shape would tile or not.”

We also continued our Celts topic and have begun to make Celtic roundhouses for our families to live in.

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