Rights Respecting Schools

Following on from us achieving our Bronze award for Rights Respecting Schools at the end of last session, the start of the new term has seen us all dive right in to learning about our rights.

Each class has created a Class charter and chosen some rights they feel are most important to their class ethos. The children have learned about the role of the adults as ‘duty bearers’ in helping them access their rights. They have also discussed the role of the children as ‘rights holders’ and what this means.

There has also been lots of learning linked to emotions, friendships and wellbeing and the children have been exploring how this links to their rights. Please use the link below to have a look at all of our hard work.

We have been learning about our rights

Miss McGregor and the RRSA team 🙂

Primary 3/2

This week in Primary 3/2 we have been finishing off our topic on Fairtrade. We have completed our learning journey to show all of the work we have done along the way.

On Wednesday we made our own banana and mango smoothies. We learned different cutting skills and the importance of food hygiene.  We created our  own recipes and enjoyed getting to taste them when they were ready.

Super work Primary 3/2 you have worked really hard throughout our Fairtrade topic!

Miss McGregor & Primary 3/2 🙂

Primary 3/2

To celebrate world book day Primary 3/2 made bookmarks out of old books.

We also tuned into Authors Live with Sarah Bowie and she showed us how to draw some characters from her book Nina Peanut is amazing.

Primary 3/2 Home Learning

Morning everyone,

I have uploaded a home learning grid onto seesaw with some activities for you to complete at home while the school is closed  today. I have also set a Stormy day sumdog challenge for you all to complete which will test your knowledge on our recent learning we have been doing on addition, subtraction and money.

Please upload any completed work on to Seesaw.

22.01 plan – Home Learning

Thanks, Miss McGregor

Primary 3/2

It has been another busy week for Primary 3/2. We started the week by learning some Scottish vocabulary. In pairs we had to go around the classroom finding Scottish words written on post-it notes. Once we had found them all we arranged them in alphabetical order before using the ipads to find out their meanings.

On Wednesday we played a word association game to warm our brains up before creating a mind map of things we knew about Scotland. We managed to go all the way round the class with everyone saying a word that they thought linked with the previous word. Here is what we came up with:

We have finished the week by creating some Acrostic Poems about Scotland and `Nessie.

Keep up the hard work everyone! Miss McGregor 🙂

Primary 3/2

Happy New Year everyone! It has been a busy first week back for Primary 3/2.

On Monday some of the boys worked together during their free play time to build this tower out of Kapla. It was so tall they had to enlist the help of Mrs O’Neill to help them put the last few pieces on the top.

In numeracy we have been putting the addition strategies we learned last term into good use by trying to solve some missing number addition problems. We have been using ten and twenty frames as well as number lines to help us count on to find the missing number.

Before we move on to subtraction next week we have been consolodating our number bonds to 10 and 20 in a variety of ways, including completing this number bonds to 20 matching task.

In literacy we have been busy practising our common words and have been posting lots of our work on to Seesaw . Please make sure to check in on that to see what else we have been up to. If anyone needs new sign in codes for seesaw please just let me know and I can sort them for you.

Thanks, Miss McGregor 🙂

Primary 3/2

Today Primary 3/2 really enjoyed getting to tune into Author’s Live with Benji Davies. We got to watch and listen to him reading us his book ‘The Great Storm Whale’. Benji Davies also showed us how to draw some characters and scenes from his book. Here are some examples of our drawings. 


Primary 3/2 update

Primary 3/2 have been working hard since the start of term 2 in October. Here are some pictures of our new corridor displays showing off all our hard work. We have started our rainforest topic and have been exploring where rainforests are in the world as well as learning about the 3 main climate zones.

In literacy our focus has been on narrative writing and we have written some fantastic stories.
We have also been learning about Diwali the Hindu festival of light and have created our own Rangoli patterns.

In maths we have started to explore time and have been enjoying some active learning to help us with this tricky concept!

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