Category Archives: P3

P3A Monday 8th June

Good Morning 3A!

I hope you had a good weekend 🙂

Well done to those who were featured in Friday’s Celebrating Success Sway.  Looking forward to seeing more of your work this week and Ms Occardi and I will choose more Awesome Achievers.

The Week 10 grid and resources are ready for you on the LPS website.  I’ve also set new games and challenges on Heinemann Active and Sumdog.  You might find extra Sumdog coins when you next log in.  If you placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the P3 challenges from the past two weeks I’ve sent a coin reward!

Today is World Ocean Day.  This links up well with our P3 Oceans topic.  You might want to have a look at this website and watch/try some activities. 

I also wanted to share this competition about the Marches.  Unfortunately Marches day is not going ahead this year but there are still some fun events happening.  You might want to take part in the ‘Design your own Bunting’ competition.  It closes on Friday so you’ll need to be quick! No photo description available.

Mrs Bell

P3B Monday 8th June

Good morning,

First a highlight from my past week: As lock down has eased a little’ we went on our first family car ride for 2 and a half months. We went to Blackness Castle for a stroll down by the Forth. What a beautiful view of the bridges we had.

While we were there, we found out lots of little shells. It inspired me to read ‘Sharing a Shell’ for this weeks story.

We also managed a trip to the ice cream shop earlier in the week after our home schooling bell and rung. I had a cookies and cream ice cream milkshake. It was delicious!

Remember, I would love to hear about your highlights too.

Today, it is World Oceans Day. This fits in very well with lots of the tasks we have been giving you. There is a range of programmes you can watch/ take part in today. We will be watching the opening programme at 9.00am and watching a couple more over the course of the day, including the rockpool ramble at 9.30am.  I think I might try and make a hammerhead shark out of a toilet roll this afternoon! Follow the link below to take part.

Please, check out the school website for the P3 resources for home learning this week.

Here are this week spellings. If the weather is kind I plan on setting a new spelling hunt for tomorrow.

During the week let us know how you are getting on by emailing myself and Miss Ross.

Have a great day,

Mr Brice

Sharing a Shell

Hi Primary 3,

This week my story for you is ‘Sharing a Shell’.

And below are the follow on activities you can do. Try to do at least two over the week. This week your handwriting task links to the book, so make sure you complete that task as well.

Sharing a Shell Reading Comprehension

  1. Why did the crab need to find a shell quickly?
  2. How did the anemone scare the big fish away?
  3. What does the bristle worm love to do?
  4. Why did crab not want to hang out with the anemone anymore?
  5. What words are used to describe the storm?
  6. Bristle worm uses the word ‘whelkome’, this is a pun. These are often used in jokes. Can you think of another example of a pun?

Wonderful Writer In the story 3 friends fall out with each other and the bristle worm helps them make friends again. Write a story about friends falling out with each other. How can they fix the friendship to have a happy ending to the story?

Book Review Print out the book review and complete (or create your own version)

Dynamic Designer Design and make a poster about how you can be kind to your friends.

Word Wizard Find out the dictionary definition of the following words and write them in your own sentence: scuttle, proud, share, shy, ungrateful

Artistic Ace Draw a picture to represent part of the story and write at least 2 sentences to describe your drawing.

Question Master Design your own Sharing a Shell quiz or a quiz about seashore animals.

Rocking Researcher Find out some facts about the animals in the story and perhaps some other animals that live on the sea shore

Handwriting Find out Copy out the following passage in your neatest handwriting, you could try joining the letters. Remember to think about the letters sitting on the line, being the correct shape and size. Then add an illustration.

Listen! A voice! And out pokes a head

From the whelk shell washed up by the foam.

“It’s ready, I’ve done all the housework.

Climb on and come in – whelkome home!”

Three fishes sharing a shell,

Happy as housemates can be,

Rocketing all round the rock pool

In their wonderful home for three!

Here are some files will help you complete your tasks:


Story Time From Home – Monday 8th June

Hello everyone,

I hope that you had a nice weekend.

Here is the result from the Story Time From Home vote. There were 48 replies and as you can see it was very close.

I am delighted to say that the winning theme was cats and as many of you know I have lots of super cat books (and 2 very naughty real cats!)  I am really looking forward to sharing some of these with you this week.  Today’s story does includes dogs and cats and is from a series of books that you might already know.

Have a nice day!

Miss McDermott

3a Friday 5.6.20

Good morning, 3a.

I’m back after my week offline. I caught up on lots of jobs and set up a seating area outside, so that I was able to invite family and friends over to visit. The dogs have loved spending so much time outdoors – until the rain came…

Please remember to email myself or Mrs Bell. We love hearing from you all.

Our poem to share and enjoy is – “How to Turn Your Teacher Purple” by James Carter.

Just for fun – At the end of a walk the dogs are told “Step”. Who do you think gets there first?

Ms Occardi

P3B Friday 5th June

Morning, the weekend is just about upon us and I have a competition for you which you can enter. The Linlithgow Marches and Deacons Court have a bunting competition for you. All the details are in the picture below, you could get your whole family involved.

To enter the competition you need to send a photo to the email mentioned but, of course, we would love to see your efforts too. Below is Charlotte’s effort.

The link below should send you to a Facebook video the Deacons Court posted about making bunting.

Monday is World Ocean Day, which fits in very well with some of the topic work you have been doing. I will post more about it on Monday morning but the first online event is at 9am on Monday. Here is the link to the webpage:

Finally, here’s a fun Disney challenge for you. Watch the youtube video and see how many Disney Film you can guess before they reveal the answer. I got 8 out of 20. Don’t worry about the characters or song titles. Post your scores in the comments.

Have a great weekend.

Mr Brice

P3A Thursday 4th June

Good Morning 3A!

Here’s something you might like to try over the next week with your family.  It’s an activity to spot wildlife in your garden.  It starts today and runs for a week.  All of the information included in the link below.

Grounds 4 Nature Garden Bioblitz – step-by-step guide

I’ll give it a try and let you know next Friday what I manage to spot in my garden!

Have a good day!

Mrs Bell 🙂


P3B Thursday 4th June

Good morning every! Thank you to everyone who sent Mr brice and me their work this week. You really are working so hard, you should all be very proud of yourself!

I received lots of comments about the shoe in the picture yesterday most people usually see grey/mint green or pink/white.  I see the shoe as grey/mint green and Mr Brice sees it as pink/white. The real colour of the shoe is pink and white. Strange isn’t it? It’s all about perception. Even though you are looking at a picture of the same object your brain processes the information differently from others.



Some of you made fantastic predications about the eggs yesterday here they are..
– The egg in vinegar would explode.
– The egg shell would disintegrate in the vinegar.
– The egg in vinegar would float.
– The egg in vinegar would change colour.
– The egg in vinegar would crack


The eggs had been soaking in the vinegar and water for 24 hours hours and this is what they looked like…

Vinegar is a weak acid and the egg shell is made of calcium carbonate. When the two come together they create a chemical reaction that breaks down the calcium carbonate, and produces carbon dioxide (these are the bubbles we can see). As you can see there has been no change to the egg in water. You made predictions that the shell would come off and that the egg would float in the vinegar. The shell is starting to come off and the egg does float, that is why there is a spoon in the picture to keep the egg submerged in the vinegar.

The results

The eggs have been soaking for two days now. All the shell has been broken down and while this was happening the water from the vinegar has been moving inside the egg leaving it larger than the egg in water. See the photo below.

The egg has changed colour, it has become translucent (see through) and because of this we can see the yolk moving around in the egg, we need to be careful with it.

The egg has now become soft, squidgy and has a rubber feel to it. I wonder if I could bounce it??

Elliot enjoyed bursting the egg, he is now crying because he wants to burst all the other eggs!

This is a really fun an easy experiment to try at home all you need is an egg and some vinegar. You could also make coloured bouncy eggs by adding a few drops of food colouring into the water. Please remember this isnt a real bouncy ball, it will burst and make a mess 😀

Someone in our class has been enjoying learning about food chains with this video, I thought I would share it with you all.

Have a great day everyone!

Miss Ross





Story Time From Home – Thursday 4th June

Hello boys and girls

Here is the link to Thursday’s Story Time from Home.

The voting is now closed for next week’s theme.  A big thank you to everyone who took the time to vote – it was really very close! You will have to wait until Monday to find out the result though!

Hope you have a nice day even if the weather isn’t so great today.

Miss McDermott


P3B Wednesday 3rd June

Good morning everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and have had a good start to the week. At the weekend I got to visit my sister in her garden and see my lovely little niece she is only 11 weeks old. It was very hard not to grab her for a cuddle! We then had a BBQ it was great fun!

I thought I would try a little science experiment at home. Below is a picture of two eggs one is in white vinegar and one is in water. What do you see happening? Do they look different?
I would love you to make a prediction about what is going to happen to the eggs.
Will they change size?
Will they stay the same colour?
What will the vinegar do to the egg?
What will the water do to the egg?
You can leave a comment with your predictions or send me an e-mail and tomorrow I will post the results.

Just for fun.. what colour is the shoe? You might get different answers, comment on the blog post to find out what colours everyone sees.

Have a great day!

Miss Ross 😀







P3A Wednesday 3rd June

Good Morning 3A!

It feels a bit strange to be writing a message to 3A on a Wednesday!

Hope you are having a good week.  Thanks to those who have emailed.  I know you enjoy Ms Occardi’s videos of her dogs.  I have a pet cat called Luna.  She likes to sleep a lot so I don’t have a funny video to share!  Here’s a photo of her instead.

Image preview

We adopted Luna from a rescue centre 5 years ago and we think she is now about 6 years old.  She likes being patted on her head but doesn’t enjoy sitting on my lap.  She tries to chase birds outside so we’ve put a bell on her collar so she can’t sneak up on them! Her favourite cat treats are Dreamies.  Would love to  hear about and see your pet pictures too.

Mrs Bell

Story Time From Home – Wednesday 3rd June

Hello boys and girls

Here is the link to Wednesday’s Story Time From Home.

Thank you to everyone who has already voted for the theme for next week’s story.  It is looking very close!

If you haven’t already voted, you can still do so up until Wednesday lunchtime so here is the link again.

Have a good day and thank you for continuing to watch and listen to the stories!

Miss McDermott